Honolulu Weekly Gas Price Update and Outlook – June 16, 2014

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gas pumpHONOLULU – Average retail gasoline prices in Honolulu have not moved  in the past week, averaging $4.32/g yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 214 gas outlets in Honolulu. This compares with the national average that has increased 1.8 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.65/g, according to gasoline price website GasBuddy.com.

Including the change in gas prices in Honolulu during the past week, prices yesterday were 8.9 cents per gallon higher than the same day one year ago and are 0.5 cents per gallon higher than a month ago. The national average has increased 2.6 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 3.7 cents per gallon higher than this day one year ago.


“The national average has stayed relatively flat for the last month, but that appears to be over, as the escalating situation in Iraq takes hold and drives crude oil and retail gasoline prices higher,” said GasBuddy.com Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan. “Motorists in some areas of the country have already seen slight price increases, and although the situation is still in its early stages, motorists should be ready for higher gasoline prices if the situation in Iraq threatens the ability of Iraq to export crude oil. While the U.S. only receives about 300,000 barrels of Iraqi crude per day, the concern is about the other 3 million or so barrels per day that Iraq pumps, which could be at risk of disruption. It’s that perceived threat that may cause the national average this week to rise 3-6 cents per gallon. The bigger picture here is that the timing of the situation in Iraq could threaten the possibility that motorists see lower prices this summer, as we had anticipated in our much earlier forecasts,” DeHaan said.

GasBuddy operates HonoluluGasPrices.com and over 250 similar websites that track gasoline prices at over 140,000 gasoline stations in the United States and Canada. In addition, GasBuddy offers a free smartphone app which has been downloaded over 25 million times to help motorists find the lowest gasoline prices in their area.





  1. "Average retail gasoline prices in Honolulu have not moved in the past week, averaging $4.32/g yesterday, according to GasBuddy's daily survey of 214 gas outlets in Honolulu." So Honolulu import gas and gasoline or just make it by own.

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