Abercrombie Insists He’s Not a Socialist

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According to Abercrombie’s Website, “The latest wave of rumors and attacks are lame attempts to link Neil Abercrombie to a socialist group.”


This report on Abercrombie from KeyWiki, shows that “attempt” to be fairly convincing:

DSA member?

In 1990 the Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee endorsed two Congressional candidates, “DSAer Democrat” Neil Abercrombie seeking to regain the House seat representing Honolulu and Vermont independent candidate Bernie Sanders.[9]

DSA wife?

In 1985, Neil Abercrombie’s wife dr. Nancie Caraway of Hawaii was listed as a member of the Feminist Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America.[10]

DSA event?

In 2006 Neil Abercrombie and Dennis Kucinich spoke at a Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee event in Washington DC at the home of Stewart Mott, for Bernie Sanders[11].  Christine Riddiough, former DSA National Director, served as host/ moderator

DSA aide?

George Roberts, a Democratic Socialists of America member, was at one time an aide to Neil Abercrombie.[12]

This additional random sampling from around the Web seems to contradict Abercrombie’s vigorous denial of any Marxist leanings:

Yet Another Covert Socialist

Hawaii guv candidate member of socialist group?

Abercrombie DSA member listing

The Progressive Caucus The Socialists In The United States Congress

KeyWiki Lists Abercrombie’s DSA connections

Keith Rollman is a city employee and a supporter of Mufi Hannemann. He runs the web site https://neilfile.wordpress.com/ and is founder of the Atomic Monkey





  1. gov. Abercrombie has been in the news lately,passing a lot of bills.before he became governor he was a professional politician in the us house of rep. representing Hawaii.

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