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    Grassroot Perspective – July 3, 2003-Estimated 30,000 Teachers Get Layoff Notices in California; Vote Turnout Not an Internal NEA Priority; Targeting the Problem; New Book Series Encourages Critical Thinking in Youth


    “Dick Rowland Image”

    ”Shoots (News, Views and Quotes)”

    – Estimated 30,000 Teachers Get Layoff Notices in California

    On Feb. 12, The Oregonian reported on a two-day teacher’s job fair
    being held in Portland. Representatives from California’s public school
    districts were signing up recruits. “It is the promise of California, a
    state with a glut of teaching jobs it must fill,” wrote reporter Jim

    A month later, the Los Angeles Times reports that as many as 30,000
    California public school teachers are receiving layoff notices — enough
    to staff the entire state of Oregon with teachers. This is only the
    cherry on top of the giant hot fudge sundae of nonsense going on in the
    Golden State.

    Because of seniority rules, the teachers who will ultimately be laid
    off are those the state and local districts just spent millions of
    dollars to recruit and train. And the reaction from the California
    Teachers Association (CTA) promises more wasted money. The union
    notified members who received layoff notices that they “are entitled to
    a hearing before an administrative law judge where the district must
    prove it had legal grounds for the layoff.”

    School boards and administrators are also looking to alter the state’s
    class-size reduction program. A proposed bill would allow them to still
    receive state funding for the program if the school averages 20
    students per K-3 class, rather than the current requirement of no more
    than 20 students in each and every K-3 class. One consulting service
    estimates this legislation would save $200 million statewide annually.
    CTA President Wayne Johnson called the bill “a slippery slope to
    oblivion,” although the California Federation of Teachers supports the
    bill. “In budget times like this. we believe you ought to give
    districts as much leeway as possible,” said CFT spokesman Mike Weimer.

    At the same time CTA is opposing flexibility for districts on class
    size, it is putting its full weight behind a bill that would allow
    districts flexibility in deciding whether to implement the state’s high
    school exit examination. Assemblywoman Loni Hancock, who is carrying
    CTA’s bill, said “I think in (budget-cutting) times like these, you
    need to leave more and more flexibility to local districts.”

    CTA officials aren’t the only ones whistling the theme from “Lost in
    Space.” Last week, the California Assembly spent 45 minutes debating a
    bill with a provision to refer to lousy schools as “high priority”
    rather than “low-performing.” It passed, 51-22. This move came years
    too late for manufacturers of the Yugo, who could have launched an ad
    campaign calling their car “Your High Priority Automobile.”

    – Vote Turnout Not an Internal NEA Priority

    One of the things that make teachers’ unions such a political
    powerhouse is their ability to identify voters and get them to the
    polls. Their methods for doing so are legendary — which makes their
    failure to turn out voters for internal union elections all the more

    The Education Support Employees Association of Clark County, Nevada, in
    the midst of a representation battle with Teamsters Local 14, claims
    about 5,000 members. Yet its elections produced a total of no more than
    227 votes. Similarly, NEA New Mexico (about 6,700 active members)
    generated no more than 273 votes in its recent statewide elections.
    That’s a 4.1 percent turnout. EIA estimates that if you added up all of
    NEA New Mexico’s statewide officers, state reps, local officers and
    site reps, the number would almost certainly exceed 273. This suggests
    that even union activists aren’t voting.

    Are these two examples representative or anomalous? Who can say? Most
    teacher union affiliates do not elect state leaders by rank-and-file
    vote, and most do not release turnout figures for local elections.

    Above articles are quoted from The Education Intelligence Agency, EIA
    Communique 3/17/03

    – Targeting the Problem

    The former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Dan Crippen,
    advised the Senate Aging Committee in testimony on Monday to understand
    a problem before spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fix it.

    What a novel idea!

    The man who produced cost estimates for Congress for four years has
    suggested to Congress that it might be wise to start by counting who
    most needs help with health insurance and prescription drugs before
    enacting hugely expensive new programs.

    For example, Crippen said that less than half of the 41 million
    uninsured are without coverage for 12 months or more. The other 20
    million are between jobs, between spousal coverage, and between public
    programs. The average period without health insurance is seven months,
    and 40% are uninsured for fewer than four months.

    We’ve said for years that many people are uninsured precisely because
    we so closely tie health insurance to the workplace in this country,
    forcing people to lose their health insurance when they change or lose
    their jobs and discriminating with subsidies against those who don’t
    have the option of job-based coverage.

    The solution is not to decide that everyone needs to have the
    “stability” of government-sponsored health insurance – heaven forbid –
    but to fix the system that kicks people off the insurance rolls so

    “Until the nature of the problem is clear, the solutions we devise may
    be ineffective and unnecessarily costly,” Crippen says. This could
    suggest targeting new programs to people who are chronically uninsured
    and have low incomes.

    Crippen makes a similar point in talking about a Medicare drug benefit,
    saying it’s important for legislators to recognize that three-fourths
    of seniors already have coverage. If the government has limited money
    to spend, even the Washington Post recommends a targeted, low-income

    None of this is to say that health insurance and drug coverage aren’t
    important for those who lack it. Only that Congress should take a
    careful look at how it plans to spend taxpayer money to make sure we
    get the results we expect.

    Above article is quoted from The Galen Institute, Health Policy Matters
    March 14, 2003

    ”Roots (Food for Thought)”

    – New Book Series Encourages Critical Thinking in Youth

    Author: review by Jay Lehr

    Published: The Heartland Institute 05/01/2003

    Critical Thinking About Environmental Issues
    by the Center for Free Market Environmentalism (PERC) and Competitive
    Enterprise Institute Greenhaven Press, 2002, cloth

    Two free-market policy groups have collaborated to launch a new series
    of books for young people, under the title Critical Thinking about
    Environmental Issues.

    Unlike many environmental books found in schools today, the first three
    works in the Critical Thinking series — focusing on global warming,
    endangered species, and pesticides — offer objective and balanced
    discussions in a very readable format. The series is published by
    Greenhaven Press, which specializes in books for elementary and high
    school students.

    Emphasis on Facts, Not Rhetoric

    Environmental education (EE) in the nation’s elementary and secondary
    schools has all too often relied on publications from activist groups
    whose primary goal is to brainwash children into believing humans are
    abusing the planet. More often than not, EE publications make no effort
    to achieve balanced debate and develop critical thinking skills in
    America’s youth.

    The Critical Thinking series — co-produced by the Center for Free Market
    Environmentalism (PERC) and Competitive Enterprise Institute — has set
    about to right this wrong in an unusually calm and undefiant manner.
    Personally, I might have taken a more pointed approach in confronting
    the lies and distortions presented by environmental zealots. But to
    their credit, the Critical Thinking authors — Jane Shaw on global
    warming, Randy Simmons on endangered species, and Samantha Beres on
    pesticides — remained calm and relaxed in presenting all the evidence.

    After nearly 50 years of service to the nation’s environment, I have
    little patience with the misinformation spread about our excellent and
    still-improving environment. Happily, Shaw, Simmons, and Beres took a
    deep breath before sitting down to present in simple terminology all
    sides of these important issues.

    The books are not flawless. In an effort to be fair, they lean toward
    political correctness, offering credence to pronouncements made by the
    anti-technology lobbies even when those statements have little
    scientific support. I presume the authors felt to do otherwise might
    close the minds of their potential young readers (or their teachers).

    Additional books in this series, expected in late 2003, will focus on
    forest fires and energy.

    Shaw on Global Warming

    Jane Shaw’s brief treatise on global warming is excellent because it
    gathers all the existing evidence for and against global warming and
    evaluates it fairly. Her logical analysis leads the reader to recognize
    that accommodating the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide
    emissions would be tantamount to shooting ourselves in the collective
    foot in order to clip our toenails.

    Shaw traces the history of global warming concerns to pronouncements in
    1988 by NASA’s Dr. James E. Hansen — who, Shaw notes, has since altered
    his opinions. She traces our knowledge of carbon dioxide as a
    greenhouse gas to nineteenth century Swedish scientist Svante
    Arrhenius. She exposes the failings of reports issued by the United
    Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) … and
    quotes the wealth of real scientific evidence produced by senior
    climate scientists Sally Baliunas, Willie Soon, Patrick Michaels,
    Richard Lindzen, and Robert Balling, to name a few.

    Any young person who reads Shaw’s wonderfully referenced 83-page work
    will see global warming in a dramatically different light … and face
    the future without fear.

    Beres on Pesticides

    Samantha Beres’ 71-page discussion of pesticides is a bit uneven in its
    treatment of bad science. She is far too kind to Rachel Carson’s book
    Silent Spring, which science has since proven to be loaded with
    unsubstantiated claims.

    To support her case for reintroducing the use of DDT, Beres notes the
    number of malaria cases in Sri Lanka fell from 2.8 million in 1946
    (pre-DDT) to just 17 in 1963 (before DDT’s ban). At the same time, she
    appears unfamiliar with the work of J. Gordon Edwards and other
    researchers who proved DDT use did not lead to eggshell thinning or
    declining raptor populations.

    Beres does correctly point out that the Audubon Society’s Christmas
    Bird Counts indicated 26 different species of birds increased in
    numbers from 1941 to 1960, when DDT use was most prevalent. She
    explains that no serious evidence has ever linked DDT to cancer, and
    she accurately describes the famous Doll-Peto study indicating
    environmental factors generally have little to do with human cancer.
    She effectively describes the failure of rodent bio-assays to evaluate
    cancer in humans.

    On the other hand, she lends too much credence to the technically
    terrible book, Our Stolen Future.

    Beres concludes her book with a somewhat uneven description of
    genetically modified crops, probably erring on the side of alarmism
    with poorly understood data on the death of butterfly larvae from
    ingesting Bt corn pollen. Nevertheless, the book is worth its price for
    the picture and description of Norman Borlaug in the mid-1940s, when
    his development of new hybrid seeds laid the foundation for the green
    revolution in India — for which he won a Nobel Prize in 1971. Dr.
    Borlaug, now 90 years old, still works full time as a professor at
    Texas A&M University.

    All in all, Beres’ book is likely to be the best thing any high school
    student ever reads about pesticides.

    Simmons on Endangered Species

    Randy Simmons had the most daunting job: explaining the endangered
    species controversy to young people.

    The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a leading contender for the blue
    ribbon among horrible federal regulations. It tops any “worst of show”
    list for the way it has gutted personal freedom and laid waste to the
    property rights envisioned by our founding fathers.

    The ESA is also a biological bastardization of centuries of
    understanding about what makes a true species. Today, if it serves the
    purpose of environmental zealots, a new species can virtually be
    declared based on color alone.

    Simmons leads us very well to the conclusion that protection of many
    species is a valid idea … and that the best way to do so may be
    through incentive programs rather than command-and-control regulations.
    He is very straightforward in criticizing Edward O. Wilson’s
    unreasonable premise that man should attempt to save all species,
    despite the huge turnover in species that took place long before
    mankind’s presence on Earth.

    Simmons does a marvelous job of documenting the positive aspects of
    species protection where possible through eco-tourism and captive
    breeding. He explains how Zimbabwe has successfully protected elephants
    by allowing some of them to be hunted. He documents how hunting rights
    controlled by villagers become a valuable asset, leading the villagers
    to protect their herds.

    Simmons also describes the failure of command-and-control species
    protection efforts. He explains how restrictions placed on private
    property in order to protect species result in the loss of property
    values. He tells one of many similar stories about a woman who invested
    in land for her retirement, only to see its value drop from a million
    dollars to just $30,000 when her 15-acre parcel was deemed critical
    habitat for the golden-cheeked warbler. Simmons explains how such
    regulations give people a reason to discourage threatened species from
    taking up residence on their properties — just the opposite of what
    Congress intended the ESA to do.

    Simmons describes the inevitability of species extinction, and man’s
    impact on some of it, with greater clarity and accuracy than ever has
    been done before. It is in fact virtually impossible to fault this
    magnificent treatise in any way. Lucky will be the students exposed to
    this clear-headed discussion of a major national dilemma.

    Jay Lehr is science director for The Heartland Institute.

    Above article is quoted from The Heartland Institute, Environment &
    Climate News May 2003

    ”Evergreen (Today’s Quotes)”

    “America would be a better place if leaders would do more long-term
    thinking. In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven
    generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future
    when making decisions that affect the people.” — Wilma Mankiller, 53,
    principal chief, Cherokee Nation

    “Read the Declaration of Independence to your children as a tradition
    every Fourth of July. Make sure they understand why the word “pursuit”
    precedes the word ‘happiness.'” — Jeff Bezo, 35, founder,

    “Just do it. All over America, there are people who are putting their
    time and talents where their mouths are, and they are effecting real
    change in our communities, our state legislatures, and the halls of
    Congress — from the ground up.” — Adam Werbach, 26, host, The Thin
    Green Line

    ”’Edited by Richard O. Rowland, president of Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, 1314 S. King Street, Suite 1163, Honolulu, HI 96814. Phone/fax is 808-591-9193, cell phone is 808-864-1776. Send him an email at:”’ ”’See the Web site at:”’

    Grassroot Perspective – July 3, 2003-Estimated 30,000 Teachers Get Layoff Notices in California; Vote Turnout Not an Internal NEA Priority; Targeting the Problem; New Book Series Encourages Critical Thinking in Youth


    “Dick Rowland Image”

    ”Shoots (News, Views and Quotes)”

    – Estimated 30,000 Teachers Get Layoff Notices in California

    On Feb. 12, The Oregonian reported on a two-day teacher’s job fair
    being held in Portland. Representatives from California’s public school
    districts were signing up recruits. “It is the promise of California, a
    state with a glut of teaching jobs it must fill,” wrote reporter Jim

    A month later, the Los Angeles Times reports that as many as 30,000
    California public school teachers are receiving layoff notices — enough
    to staff the entire state of Oregon with teachers. This is only the
    cherry on top of the giant hot fudge sundae of nonsense going on in the
    Golden State.

    Because of seniority rules, the teachers who will ultimately be laid
    off are those the state and local districts just spent millions of
    dollars to recruit and train. And the reaction from the California
    Teachers Association (CTA) promises more wasted money. The union
    notified members who received layoff notices that they “are entitled to
    a hearing before an administrative law judge where the district must
    prove it had legal grounds for the layoff.”

    School boards and administrators are also looking to alter the state’s
    class-size reduction program. A proposed bill would allow them to still
    receive state funding for the program if the school averages 20
    students per K-3 class, rather than the current requirement of no more
    than 20 students in each and every K-3 class. One consulting service
    estimates this legislation would save $200 million statewide annually.
    CTA President Wayne Johnson called the bill “a slippery slope to
    oblivion,” although the California Federation of Teachers supports the
    bill. “In budget times like this. we believe you ought to give
    districts as much leeway as possible,” said CFT spokesman Mike Weimer.

    At the same time CTA is opposing flexibility for districts on class
    size, it is putting its full weight behind a bill that would allow
    districts flexibility in deciding whether to implement the state’s high
    school exit examination. Assemblywoman Loni Hancock, who is carrying
    CTA’s bill, said “I think in (budget-cutting) times like these, you
    need to leave more and more flexibility to local districts.”

    CTA officials aren’t the only ones whistling the theme from “Lost in
    Space.” Last week, the California Assembly spent 45 minutes debating a
    bill with a provision to refer to lousy schools as “high priority”
    rather than “low-performing.” It passed, 51-22. This move came years
    too late for manufacturers of the Yugo, who could have launched an ad
    campaign calling their car “Your High Priority Automobile.”

    – Vote Turnout Not an Internal NEA Priority

    One of the things that make teachers’ unions such a political
    powerhouse is their ability to identify voters and get them to the
    polls. Their methods for doing so are legendary — which makes their
    failure to turn out voters for internal union elections all the more

    The Education Support Employees Association of Clark County, Nevada, in
    the midst of a representation battle with Teamsters Local 14, claims
    about 5,000 members. Yet its elections produced a total of no more than
    227 votes. Similarly, NEA New Mexico (about 6,700 active members)
    generated no more than 273 votes in its recent statewide elections.
    That’s a 4.1 percent turnout. EIA estimates that if you added up all of
    NEA New Mexico’s statewide officers, state reps, local officers and
    site reps, the number would almost certainly exceed 273. This suggests
    that even union activists aren’t voting.

    Are these two examples representative or anomalous? Who can say? Most
    teacher union affiliates do not elect state leaders by rank-and-file
    vote, and most do not release turnout figures for local elections.

    Above articles are quoted from The Education Intelligence Agency, EIA
    Communique 3/17/03

    – Targeting the Problem

    The former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Dan Crippen,
    advised the Senate Aging Committee in testimony on Monday to understand
    a problem before spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fix it.

    What a novel idea!

    The man who produced cost estimates for Congress for four years has
    suggested to Congress that it might be wise to start by counting who
    most needs help with health insurance and prescription drugs before
    enacting hugely expensive new programs.

    For example, Crippen said that less than half of the 41 million
    uninsured are without coverage for 12 months or more. The other 20
    million are between jobs, between spousal coverage, and between public
    programs. The average period without health insurance is seven months,
    and 40% are uninsured for fewer than four months.

    We’ve said for years that many people are uninsured precisely because
    we so closely tie health insurance to the workplace in this country,
    forcing people to lose their health insurance when they change or lose
    their jobs and discriminating with subsidies against those who don’t
    have the option of job-based coverage.

    The solution is not to decide that everyone needs to have the
    “stability” of government-sponsored health insurance – heaven forbid –
    but to fix the system that kicks people off the insurance rolls so

    “Until the nature of the problem is clear, the solutions we devise may
    be ineffective and unnecessarily costly,” Crippen says. This could
    suggest targeting new programs to people who are chronically uninsured
    and have low incomes.

    Crippen makes a similar point in talking about a Medicare drug benefit,
    saying it’s important for legislators to recognize that three-fourths
    of seniors already have coverage. If the government has limited money
    to spend, even the Washington Post recommends a targeted, low-income

    None of this is to say that health insurance and drug coverage aren’t
    important for those who lack it. Only that Congress should take a
    careful look at how it plans to spend taxpayer money to make sure we
    get the results we expect.

    Above article is quoted from The Galen Institute, Health Policy Matters
    March 14, 2003

    ”Roots (Food for Thought)”

    – New Book Series Encourages Critical Thinking in Youth

    Author: review by Jay Lehr

    Published: The Heartland Institute 05/01/2003

    Critical Thinking About Environmental Issues
    by the Center for Free Market Environmentalism (PERC) and Competitive
    Enterprise Institute Greenhaven Press, 2002, cloth

    Two free-market policy groups have collaborated to launch a new series
    of books for young people, under the title Critical Thinking about
    Environmental Issues.

    Unlike many environmental books found in schools today, the first three
    works in the Critical Thinking series — focusing on global warming,
    endangered species, and pesticides — offer objective and balanced
    discussions in a very readable format. The series is published by
    Greenhaven Press, which specializes in books for elementary and high
    school students.

    Emphasis on Facts, Not Rhetoric

    Environmental education (EE) in the nation’s elementary and secondary
    schools has all too often relied on publications from activist groups
    whose primary goal is to brainwash children into believing humans are
    abusing the planet. More often than not, EE publications make no effort
    to achieve balanced debate and develop critical thinking skills in
    America’s youth.

    The Critical Thinking series — co-produced by the Center for Free Market
    Environmentalism (PERC) and Competitive Enterprise Institute — has set
    about to right this wrong in an unusually calm and undefiant manner.
    Personally, I might have taken a more pointed approach in confronting
    the lies and distortions presented by environmental zealots. But to
    their credit, the Critical Thinking authors — Jane Shaw on global
    warming, Randy Simmons on endangered species, and Samantha Beres on
    pesticides — remained calm and relaxed in presenting all the evidence.

    After nearly 50 years of service to the nation’s environment, I have
    little patience with the misinformation spread about our excellent and
    still-improving environment. Happily, Shaw, Simmons, and Beres took a
    deep breath before sitting down to present in simple terminology all
    sides of these important issues.

    The books are not flawless. In an effort to be fair, they lean toward
    political correctness, offering credence to pronouncements made by the
    anti-technology lobbies even when those statements have little
    scientific support. I presume the authors felt to do otherwise might
    close the minds of their potential young readers (or their teachers).

    Additional books in this series, expected in late 2003, will focus on
    forest fires and energy.

    Shaw on Global Warming

    Jane Shaw’s brief treatise on global warming is excellent because it
    gathers all the existing evidence for and against global warming and
    evaluates it fairly. Her logical analysis leads the reader to recognize
    that accommodating the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide
    emissions would be tantamount to shooting ourselves in the collective
    foot in order to clip our toenails.

    Shaw traces the history of global warming concerns to pronouncements in
    1988 by NASA’s Dr. James E. Hansen — who, Shaw notes, has since altered
    his opinions. She traces our knowledge of carbon dioxide as a
    greenhouse gas to nineteenth century Swedish scientist Svante
    Arrhenius. She exposes the failings of reports issued by the United
    Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) … and
    quotes the wealth of real scientific evidence produced by senior
    climate scientists Sally Baliunas, Willie Soon, Patrick Michaels,
    Richard Lindzen, and Robert Balling, to name a few.

    Any young person who reads Shaw’s wonderfully referenced 83-page work
    will see global warming in a dramatically different light … and face
    the future without fear.

    Beres on Pesticides

    Samantha Beres’ 71-page discussion of pesticides is a bit uneven in its
    treatment of bad science. She is far too kind to Rachel Carson’s book
    Silent Spring, which science has since proven to be loaded with
    unsubstantiated claims.

    To support her case for reintroducing the use of DDT, Beres notes the
    number of malaria cases in Sri Lanka fell from 2.8 million in 1946
    (pre-DDT) to just 17 in 1963 (before DDT’s ban). At the same time, she
    appears unfamiliar with the work of J. Gordon Edwards and other
    researchers who proved DDT use did not lead to eggshell thinning or
    declining raptor populations.

    Beres does correctly point out that the Audubon Society’s Christmas
    Bird Counts indicated 26 different species of birds increased in
    numbers from 1941 to 1960, when DDT use was most prevalent. She
    explains that no serious evidence has ever linked DDT to cancer, and
    she accurately describes the famous Doll-Peto study indicating
    environmental factors generally have little to do with human cancer.
    She effectively describes the failure of rodent bio-assays to evaluate
    cancer in humans.

    On the other hand, she lends too much credence to the technically
    terrible book, Our Stolen Future.

    Beres concludes her book with a somewhat uneven description of
    genetically modified crops, probably erring on the side of alarmism
    with poorly understood data on the death of butterfly larvae from
    ingesting Bt corn pollen. Nevertheless, the book is worth its price for
    the picture and description of Norman Borlaug in the mid-1940s, when
    his development of new hybrid seeds laid the foundation for the green
    revolution in India — for which he won a Nobel Prize in 1971. Dr.
    Borlaug, now 90 years old, still works full time as a professor at
    Texas A&M University.

    All in all, Beres’ book is likely to be the best thing any high school
    student ever reads about pesticides.

    Simmons on Endangered Species

    Randy Simmons had the most daunting job: explaining the endangered
    species controversy to young people.

    The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a leading contender for the blue
    ribbon among horrible federal regulations. It tops any “worst of show”
    list for the way it has gutted personal freedom and laid waste to the
    property rights envisioned by our founding fathers.

    The ESA is also a biological bastardization of centuries of
    understanding about what makes a true species. Today, if it serves the
    purpose of environmental zealots, a new species can virtually be
    declared based on color alone.

    Simmons leads us very well to the conclusion that protection of many
    species is a valid idea … and that the best way to do so may be
    through incentive programs rather than command-and-control regulations.
    He is very straightforward in criticizing Edward O. Wilson’s
    unreasonable premise that man should attempt to save all species,
    despite the huge turnover in species that took place long before
    mankind’s presence on Earth.

    Simmons does a marvelous job of documenting the positive aspects of
    species protection where possible through eco-tourism and captive
    breeding. He explains how Zimbabwe has successfully protected elephants
    by allowing some of them to be hunted. He documents how hunting rights
    controlled by villagers become a valuable asset, leading the villagers
    to protect their herds.

    Simmons also describes the failure of command-and-control species
    protection efforts. He explains how restrictions placed on private
    property in order to protect species result in the loss of property
    values. He tells one of many similar stories about a woman who invested
    in land for her retirement, only to see its value drop from a million
    dollars to just $30,000 when her 15-acre parcel was deemed critical
    habitat for the golden-cheeked warbler. Simmons explains how such
    regulations give people a reason to discourage threatened species from
    taking up residence on their properties — just the opposite of what
    Congress intended the ESA to do.

    Simmons describes the inevitability of species extinction, and man’s
    impact on some of it, with greater clarity and accuracy than ever has
    been done before. It is in fact virtually impossible to fault this
    magnificent treatise in any way. Lucky will be the students exposed to
    this clear-headed discussion of a major national dilemma.

    Jay Lehr is science director for The Heartland Institute.

    Above article is quoted from The Heartland Institute, Environment &
    Climate News May 2003

    ”Evergreen (Today’s Quotes)”

    “America would be a better place if leaders would do more long-term
    thinking. In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven
    generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future
    when making decisions that affect the people.” — Wilma Mankiller, 53,
    principal chief, Cherokee Nation

    “Read the Declaration of Independence to your children as a tradition
    every Fourth of July. Make sure they understand why the word “pursuit”
    precedes the word ‘happiness.'” — Jeff Bezo, 35, founder,

    “Just do it. All over America, there are people who are putting their
    time and talents where their mouths are, and they are effecting real
    change in our communities, our state legislatures, and the halls of
    Congress — from the ground up.” — Adam Werbach, 26, host, The Thin
    Green Line

    ”’Edited by Richard O. Rowland, president of Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, 1314 S. King Street, Suite 1163, Honolulu, HI 96814. Phone/fax is 808-591-9193, cell phone is 808-864-1776. Send him an email at:”’ ”’See the Web site at:”’

    Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned


    ”’The Hawaii State House of Representatives debated this past session whether all cell phones — hand held or otherwise — should be illegal to use in automobiles.”’

    ”’Democrats argued people are incapable of driving safely and acting responsibly while operating a car with a cell phone in the car.”’

    ”’The majority of Republicans, 9 of 15, argued distractions other than cell phones cause many more accidents than does the use of cell phones. They cited the following report: AAA analyzed 26,245 accidents nationwide and reported of distracted driver crashes 30 percent occurred when the driver was focused on something outside of the car, 11 percent was caused by shifting focus to the CD or radio player; 10.9 percent were the result of distractions of other passengers; 1.7 percent was the result of eating or drinking while driving and 1.5 percent were distracted by the use of wireless phones.”’

    ”’The bill passed the House by a 41 to 9 vote, with the majority party voting to ban all cell phones in cars. Those who voted no, all Republicans, were Reps. Brian Blundell, Kika Bukoski, Lynn Finnegan, Galen Fox, Mark Jernigan, Colleen Meyer, Mark Moses, Guy Ontai and Bud Stonebraker, and Rep. Hiraki was excused.”’

    ”’The bill died in the Senate.”’

    ”’Rep. Mark Jernigan, R-Maui, was one of several Republicans to defend their yes vote with a floor speech, which is reprinted below to further the Battle of Ideas in Hawaii. A counter to Jernigan’s speech by Rep. Joe Souki, D-Maui, is also published today. See:”’ “Battle of Ideas: Make Cell Phones Illegal in Cars for the Safety of Hawaii’s Citizens”

    Rep. Mark Jernigan rose to speak in opposition to the measure, stating:

    I rise in opposition. I think the fact that being distracted by a cell phone is only a part of that. What are we going to outlaw? Eating in the car? Talking to occupants? Disciplining the children? Where is it going to stop? Who has control over it? One of the speakers indicated having two hands on the wheel. Are we going to pass a law that requires the hands be on the wheel at all times? It might be more appropriate.

    I think it violates rights. It doesn’t address the real issue of safety in the car in a broader perspective. It just takes a small portion of the activity in the car and makes it illegal. It is going to be very difficult to enforce. The fact that it has to be up to your ears doesn’t seem to me like the appropriate way to address it. One of the previous speakers indicated that dialing the phone might be more hazardous. Does just having a wire going to your ear makes it legal? I think this bill needs some serious reconsideration so I am opposing it.

    ”’Mark Jernigan is the Republican Representative for the Big Island.”’

    Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned


    ”’The Hawaii State House of Representatives debated this past session whether all cell phones — hand held or otherwise — should be illegal to use in automobiles.”’

    ”’Democrats argued people are incapable of driving safely and acting responsibly while operating a car with a cell phone in the car.”’

    ”’The majority of Republicans, 9 of 15, argued distractions other than cell phones cause many more accidents than does the use of cell phones. They cited the following report: AAA analyzed 26,245 accidents nationwide and reported of distracted driver crashes 30 percent occurred when the driver was focused on something outside of the car, 11 percent was caused by shifting focus to the CD or radio player; 10.9 percent were the result of distractions of other passengers; 1.7 percent was the result of eating or drinking while driving and 1.5 percent were distracted by the use of wireless phones.”’

    ”’The bill passed the House by a 41 to 9 vote, with the majority party voting to ban all cell phones in cars. Those who voted no, all Republicans, were Reps. Brian Blundell, Kika Bukoski, Lynn Finnegan, Galen Fox, Mark Jernigan, Colleen Meyer, Mark Moses, Guy Ontai and Bud Stonebraker, and Rep. Hiraki was excused.”’

    ”’The bill died in the Senate.”’

    ”’Rep. Mark Jernigan, R-Maui, was one of several Republicans to defend their yes vote with a floor speech, which is reprinted below to further the Battle of Ideas in Hawaii. A counter to Jernigan’s speech by Rep. Joe Souki, D-Maui, is also published today. See:”’ “Battle of Ideas: Make Cell Phones Illegal in Cars for the Safety of Hawaii’s Citizens”

    Rep. Mark Jernigan rose to speak in opposition to the measure, stating:

    I rise in opposition. I think the fact that being distracted by a cell phone is only a part of that. What are we going to outlaw? Eating in the car? Talking to occupants? Disciplining the children? Where is it going to stop? Who has control over it? One of the speakers indicated having two hands on the wheel. Are we going to pass a law that requires the hands be on the wheel at all times? It might be more appropriate.

    I think it violates rights. It doesn’t address the real issue of safety in the car in a broader perspective. It just takes a small portion of the activity in the car and makes it illegal. It is going to be very difficult to enforce. The fact that it has to be up to your ears doesn’t seem to me like the appropriate way to address it. One of the previous speakers indicated that dialing the phone might be more hazardous. Does just having a wire going to your ear makes it legal? I think this bill needs some serious reconsideration so I am opposing it.

    ”’Mark Jernigan is the Republican Representative for the Big Island.”’

    Battle of Ideas: Make Cell Phones Illegal in Cars for the Safety of Hawaii's Citizens


    ”’The Hawaii State House of Representatives debated this past session whether all cell phones – hand held or otherwise – should be illegal to use in automobiles.”’

    ”’Democrats argued people are incapable of driving safely and acting responsibly while operating a car with a cell phone in the car.”’

    ”’The majority of Republicans, 9 of 15, argued distractions other than cell phones cause many more accidents than does the use of cell phones. They cited the following report: AAA analyzed 26,245 accidents nationwide and reported of distracted driver crashes 30 percent occurred when the driver was focused on something outside of the car, 11 percent was caused by shifting focus to the CD or radio player; 10.9 percent were the result of distractions of other passengers; 1.7 percent was the result of eating or drinking while driving and 1.5 percent were distracted by the use of wireless phones.”’

    ”’The bill passed the House by a 41 to 9 vote, with the majority party voting to ban all cell phones in cars. Those who voted no, all Republicans, were Reps. Brian Blundell, Kika Bukoski, Lynn Finnegan, Galen Fox, Mark Jernigan, Colleen Meyer, Mark Moses, Guy Ontai and Bud Stonebraker, and Rep. Hiraki was excused.”’

    ”’The bill died in the Senate.”’

    ”’Rep. Joe Souki, D-Maui, was the only Democrat to defend his vote with a floor speech, which is reprinted below to further the Battle of Ideas in Hawaii. A counter to Souki’s speech by Rep. Mark Jernigan, R-Maui, is also published today. See:”’ “Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned”

    “Joe Souki Image”

    “Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned”

    Rep. Joe Souki rose to speak in support of the measure, stating:

    Yes, thank you very much, Madame Speaker. I wish to speak in favor of this bill. I believe this bill is an accident prevention measure, and it is working very well in New York City and the state of New York where they have found it prevented accidents by more than 10 percent in looking at those pre and post using of hands free cell phones.

    Madame Speaker, it does provide also in this bill that for emergency purposes, you can use a cell phone. It does provide for truckers, policemen and commercial equipment operators that they can use hand held. So there are exceptions in this bill.

    The major part in this bill is to avoid the continual distraction of driving and using one hand on the wheel and one on your ear. It does make for potential disasters. In fact, the state was held liable just recently for an accident where it caused a grave injury to someone from Canada. I believe they were killed in an accident from a person using a hand held phone. So to say this is not a distraction is questionable. I don’t understand why we would want to speak against this. I think this bill would go a long way in providing the people of the state of Hawaii a degree of safety, both on the streets and in the car. Thank you very much.

    ”’Joe Souki is the Democrat Representative for Maui.”’

    Battle of Ideas: Make Cell Phones Illegal in Cars for the Safety of Hawaii’s Citizens


    ”’The Hawaii State House of Representatives debated this past session whether all cell phones – hand held or otherwise – should be illegal to use in automobiles.”’

    ”’Democrats argued people are incapable of driving safely and acting responsibly while operating a car with a cell phone in the car.”’

    ”’The majority of Republicans, 9 of 15, argued distractions other than cell phones cause many more accidents than does the use of cell phones. They cited the following report: AAA analyzed 26,245 accidents nationwide and reported of distracted driver crashes 30 percent occurred when the driver was focused on something outside of the car, 11 percent was caused by shifting focus to the CD or radio player; 10.9 percent were the result of distractions of other passengers; 1.7 percent was the result of eating or drinking while driving and 1.5 percent were distracted by the use of wireless phones.”’

    ”’The bill passed the House by a 41 to 9 vote, with the majority party voting to ban all cell phones in cars. Those who voted no, all Republicans, were Reps. Brian Blundell, Kika Bukoski, Lynn Finnegan, Galen Fox, Mark Jernigan, Colleen Meyer, Mark Moses, Guy Ontai and Bud Stonebraker, and Rep. Hiraki was excused.”’

    ”’The bill died in the Senate.”’

    ”’Rep. Joe Souki, D-Maui, was the only Democrat to defend his vote with a floor speech, which is reprinted below to further the Battle of Ideas in Hawaii. A counter to Souki’s speech by Rep. Mark Jernigan, R-Maui, is also published today. See:”’ “Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned”

    “Joe Souki Image”

    “Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned”

    Rep. Joe Souki rose to speak in support of the measure, stating:

    Yes, thank you very much, Madame Speaker. I wish to speak in favor of this bill. I believe this bill is an accident prevention measure, and it is working very well in New York City and the state of New York where they have found it prevented accidents by more than 10 percent in looking at those pre and post using of hands free cell phones.

    Madame Speaker, it does provide also in this bill that for emergency purposes, you can use a cell phone. It does provide for truckers, policemen and commercial equipment operators that they can use hand held. So there are exceptions in this bill.

    The major part in this bill is to avoid the continual distraction of driving and using one hand on the wheel and one on your ear. It does make for potential disasters. In fact, the state was held liable just recently for an accident where it caused a grave injury to someone from Canada. I believe they were killed in an accident from a person using a hand held phone. So to say this is not a distraction is questionable. I don’t understand why we would want to speak against this. I think this bill would go a long way in providing the people of the state of Hawaii a degree of safety, both on the streets and in the car. Thank you very much.

    ”’Joe Souki is the Democrat Representative for Maui.”’

    Battle of Ideas: Make Cell Phones Illegal in Cars for the Safety of Hawaii’s Citizens


    ”’The Hawaii State House of Representatives debated this past session whether all cell phones – hand held or otherwise – should be illegal to use in automobiles.”’

    ”’Democrats argued people are incapable of driving safely and acting responsibly while operating a car with a cell phone in the car.”’

    ”’The majority of Republicans, 9 of 15, argued distractions other than cell phones cause many more accidents than does the use of cell phones. They cited the following report: AAA analyzed 26,245 accidents nationwide and reported of distracted driver crashes 30 percent occurred when the driver was focused on something outside of the car, 11 percent was caused by shifting focus to the CD or radio player; 10.9 percent were the result of distractions of other passengers; 1.7 percent was the result of eating or drinking while driving and 1.5 percent were distracted by the use of wireless phones.”’

    ”’The bill passed the House by a 41 to 9 vote, with the majority party voting to ban all cell phones in cars. Those who voted no, all Republicans, were Reps. Brian Blundell, Kika Bukoski, Lynn Finnegan, Galen Fox, Mark Jernigan, Colleen Meyer, Mark Moses, Guy Ontai and Bud Stonebraker, and Rep. Hiraki was excused.”’

    ”’The bill died in the Senate.”’

    ”’Rep. Joe Souki, D-Maui, was the only Democrat to defend his vote with a floor speech, which is reprinted below to further the Battle of Ideas in Hawaii. A counter to Souki’s speech by Rep. Mark Jernigan, R-Maui, is also published today. See:”’ “Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned”

    “Joe Souki Image”

    “Battle of Ideas: Cell Phones In Cars Do Not Cause Majority of Crashes, Should Not Be Banned”

    Rep. Joe Souki rose to speak in support of the measure, stating:

    Yes, thank you very much, Madame Speaker. I wish to speak in favor of this bill. I believe this bill is an accident prevention measure, and it is working very well in New York City and the state of New York where they have found it prevented accidents by more than 10 percent in looking at those pre and post using of hands free cell phones.

    Madame Speaker, it does provide also in this bill that for emergency purposes, you can use a cell phone. It does provide for truckers, policemen and commercial equipment operators that they can use hand held. So there are exceptions in this bill.

    The major part in this bill is to avoid the continual distraction of driving and using one hand on the wheel and one on your ear. It does make for potential disasters. In fact, the state was held liable just recently for an accident where it caused a grave injury to someone from Canada. I believe they were killed in an accident from a person using a hand held phone. So to say this is not a distraction is questionable. I don’t understand why we would want to speak against this. I think this bill would go a long way in providing the people of the state of Hawaii a degree of safety, both on the streets and in the car. Thank you very much.

    ”’Joe Souki is the Democrat Representative for Maui.”’

    Questions from Hawaii Reporter Readers – July 31, 2003-The Answers As Best As We Can Give Them


    ”Q. What items can be taken from Hawaii, such as food, flowers, plants and seeds?”

    According to the state Department of Agriculture, Hawaii does not regulate items going out of the state.

    However the United States Department of Agriculture does have some restrictions because of concerns with spreading such pests as fruit flies to other areas.

    The restrictions depend upon where you are traveling to, meaning to a domestic or foreign location.

    For more information on the specific restrictions, see the USDA Web site at or call the office at 861-8490.

    ”Q. I am looking for the names of the local Honolulu newspapers that were in circulation during the years of 1954-1956. Any information you can provide is appreciated.”

    According to the Hawaii State Library periodical director, there were several Honolulu-based publications in existence between 1954 to 1956. The publications are listed below along with the dates they were published and whether they were published in another language beside English.

    *The Honolulu Advertiser, 1921 to present (Pacific Commercial Advertiser was the forerunner to The Honolulu Advertiser)
    *Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1912 to present
    *Hawaii Catholic Herald 1947 to 1974, 1975 to present
    *Hawaii Chinese Journal 1937 to 1957
    *Hawaii Hochi 1913 to 1942, 1952 to present (Japanese and English)
    *Hawaii Labor News 1956 to 1957
    *Hawaii Manichi Shinbun 1952 to 1965 (Japanese)
    *Hawaii News Service, 1952 only
    *Hawaii Star, 1947 to 1952 (English and Japanese)
    *Hawaii Times, 1906 to 1985
    *Hawaii Phil-America, 1951 to 1955
    *Honolulu Record, 1948 to 1958
    *Kokohead Tribune, 1923 to 1959
    *Korea Pacific Weekly, 1938 to 1941, 1945, 1948 to 1970 (Korean, English)
    *Korean National Herald, 1946 to 1962 (Korean)
    *Ka Leo o Hawaii (University of Hawaii), 1922 to 1991, 1995 to present
    *The New China Daily Press, 1941 to 1971
    *The News of Our Town, 1954 to 1957
    *The Rural Reporter, 1954 to 1955
    *The Voice of East Oahu, 1920 to 1958
    *Windward Living, 1953 to 1955
    *Windward Reporter/Windward Oahu Reporter, 1951 to 1960
    *Yoen Jiho 1921 to 1947, 1954 to 1970 (Japanese)

    ”Q. I would like to know if it is legal to sell raffle tickets in Hawaii for our scholarship fund and grant award. We are a duly registered California Association and all donations are tax deductible. Some of our members are from Hawaii. Please let me know if we could sell these raffle tickets in Hawaii.”

    First, gambling of any sort is illegal in Hawaii.

    That said, there are non-profits and businesses that coordinate raffles to raise money for a good cause.

    The difference between illegal gambling and a legal raffle according to Hawaii law, is whether the participant has anything to lose of value.

    Essentially that means if those organizations holding a raffle mandate participants pay a fee to participate or buy a ticket without saying “no purchase necessary,” those entering the contest are forced to pay to participate and would lose something of value if they are not selected.

    But should participants be told there is “no purchase necessary,” then they would not be mandated to lose something of value in order to participate — they would choose to.

    Case in point: McDonald’s Restaurant offers give-a-ways but does not mandate a purchase to be eligible to win.

    The state attorney general could not comment on any given raffle before it is held, saying circumstances presented verses what actually occurs may be different in the end.

    But the attorney general recommends reading the fine print in Hawaii’s Revised Statutes from HRS 712-1220 to 712- 1231 beginning here:

    And contacting a private attorney with any specific questions.

    ”’Send questions to Hawaii Reporter via email to:”’ ”’and the staff will do its best to get the answers.”’

    Questions from Hawaii Reporter Readers – July 31, 2003-The Answers As Best As We Can Give Them


    ”Q. What items can be taken from Hawaii, such as food, flowers, plants and seeds?”

    According to the state Department of Agriculture, Hawaii does not regulate items going out of the state.

    However the United States Department of Agriculture does have some restrictions because of concerns with spreading such pests as fruit flies to other areas.

    The restrictions depend upon where you are traveling to, meaning to a domestic or foreign location.

    For more information on the specific restrictions, see the USDA Web site at or call the office at 861-8490.

    ”Q. I am looking for the names of the local Honolulu newspapers that were in circulation during the years of 1954-1956. Any information you can provide is appreciated.”

    According to the Hawaii State Library periodical director, there were several Honolulu-based publications in existence between 1954 to 1956. The publications are listed below along with the dates they were published and whether they were published in another language beside English.

    *The Honolulu Advertiser, 1921 to present (Pacific Commercial Advertiser was the forerunner to The Honolulu Advertiser)
    *Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1912 to present
    *Hawaii Catholic Herald 1947 to 1974, 1975 to present
    *Hawaii Chinese Journal 1937 to 1957
    *Hawaii Hochi 1913 to 1942, 1952 to present (Japanese and English)
    *Hawaii Labor News 1956 to 1957
    *Hawaii Manichi Shinbun 1952 to 1965 (Japanese)
    *Hawaii News Service, 1952 only
    *Hawaii Star, 1947 to 1952 (English and Japanese)
    *Hawaii Times, 1906 to 1985
    *Hawaii Phil-America, 1951 to 1955
    *Honolulu Record, 1948 to 1958
    *Kokohead Tribune, 1923 to 1959
    *Korea Pacific Weekly, 1938 to 1941, 1945, 1948 to 1970 (Korean, English)
    *Korean National Herald, 1946 to 1962 (Korean)
    *Ka Leo o Hawaii (University of Hawaii), 1922 to 1991, 1995 to present
    *The New China Daily Press, 1941 to 1971
    *The News of Our Town, 1954 to 1957
    *The Rural Reporter, 1954 to 1955
    *The Voice of East Oahu, 1920 to 1958
    *Windward Living, 1953 to 1955
    *Windward Reporter/Windward Oahu Reporter, 1951 to 1960
    *Yoen Jiho 1921 to 1947, 1954 to 1970 (Japanese)

    ”Q. I would like to know if it is legal to sell raffle tickets in Hawaii for our scholarship fund and grant award. We are a duly registered California Association and all donations are tax deductible. Some of our members are from Hawaii. Please let me know if we could sell these raffle tickets in Hawaii.”

    First, gambling of any sort is illegal in Hawaii.

    That said, there are non-profits and businesses that coordinate raffles to raise money for a good cause.

    The difference between illegal gambling and a legal raffle according to Hawaii law, is whether the participant has anything to lose of value.

    Essentially that means if those organizations holding a raffle mandate participants pay a fee to participate or buy a ticket without saying “no purchase necessary,” those entering the contest are forced to pay to participate and would lose something of value if they are not selected.

    But should participants be told there is “no purchase necessary,” then they would not be mandated to lose something of value in order to participate — they would choose to.

    Case in point: McDonald’s Restaurant offers give-a-ways but does not mandate a purchase to be eligible to win.

    The state attorney general could not comment on any given raffle before it is held, saying circumstances presented verses what actually occurs may be different in the end.

    But the attorney general recommends reading the fine print in Hawaii’s Revised Statutes from HRS 712-1220 to 712- 1231 beginning here:

    And contacting a private attorney with any specific questions.

    ”’Send questions to Hawaii Reporter via email to:”’ ”’and the staff will do its best to get the answers.”’

    War Critics Should Think Before They Speak


    As the war in Iraq lingers and the list of American soldiers killed lengthens there is evidence that the criticism about President Bush’s justification for going to war and the volatile aftermath of the war is beginning to erode his political support. The president’s poll numbers show signs of slipping and Democratic candidates hoping to unseat the president are now coming at him after initially offering everything from lukewarm to hearty endorsements for military action.

    Even the deaths of Saddam Hussein’s sons, Odai and Qusai, a huge victory for the American intelligence community and the Special Forces as well as a key component in ending the ambush attacks on U.S. troops, have not quelled the criticism. The verbal attacks against Bush and the war effort in this latest development have included arguments ranging from the theory that the sons may have provided information about their father’s whereabouts to the assertion that killing them was barbaric.

    What would Bush’s critics be saying today if, instead of killing Hussein’s sons, American forces had allowed the standoff with the brothers and their band of supporters to continue until they attacked our soldiers, inflicted massive casualties on American forces and escaped?

    The criticism over the carefully targeted elimination of the Hussein brothers shows how absurd Bush’s opponents have become in their effort to discredit his leadership. Does anyone really think that Odai and Qusai would have led us to their father? It’s equally preposterous to think they would have allowed themselves to be taken alive after an intense firefight that lasted six hours.

    In any military campaign, particularly one as complex as this, where we are fighting a war against groups engaged in terrorism and not necessarily against specific countries, there will always be issues subject to critique and second-guessing. However, there is no doubt in my mind, or evidently in those of the military strategists, that killing Odai and Qusai was the right thing to do. Let’s hope Saddam will soon be relegated to the same fate. For many reasons, not the least of which is to assure the people of Iraq that Saddam is not coming back, there must be finality to the Hussein regime.

    Asking questions of our government is not only a right of being an American, but it can also be part of exercising citizenship in a healthy, free society. However, as we have seen in previous wars, some critiques of military decisions can cross a line that is inappropriate and dangerous to both national security and to our military personnel by encouraging more attacks and undermining our nation’s resolve to stay the course.

    The rhetoric of some war naysayers seems to me to be approaching that level. And, unfortunately, as we see by this latest example of unreasonable rhetoric over the deaths of Saddam’s sons, the most vocal and harshest critics are most certainly more focused on taking down a popular president than taking down enemies of our nation.

    Criticism of the policies of our government is a cherished right, but there is a line that should not be crossed. I hope Bush’s critics quickly discover where it is.

    ”’Greg Heyman is Communications Director for the Alabama Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of free markets, limited government and strong families, which are indispensable to a prosperous society. For information or comments contact: Gary Palmer, Alabama Policy Institute, 402 Office Park Drive, Suite 300, Birmingham, Alabama 35223, (205) 870-9900, e-mail:”’