City's Breathtaking Mismanagement

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So the city spent millions of dollars for Natatorium restrooms that proved defective within two years, according to an article in ”’The Honolulu Advertiser’s July 9th edition. Who’s the contractor? Where’s the lawsuit?

Since closing the restrooms two years ago, the city is spending $2000 per month on substitute facilities. Where’s the accountability?


Now, the Department of Design and Construction will finally assess the situation to see if the toilets can be used again. Where have they been for the past two years, while paying $48,000 for portable potties?

This total lack of fiscal accountability is breathtaking! No individual or business would tolerate such abysmal irresponsibility in their own transactions.

Just another sad example of how government simply cannot responsibly manage our money. The less they have, the less to waste.

”’John M. Corboy, M.D. is a resident of Mililani, board member for the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, and the President of the Hawaiian Eye Foundation”’

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