The Political Posturing of Nancy Pelosi: Redux

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S.M. Sigerson wrote, “A nation which fails to adequately remember salient points of its own history, is like a person with Alzheimer’s. And that can be a social disease of a most destructive nature.” Such is the case with Nancy Pelosi’s retaking of the Speaker’s gavel in her return to the post of Speaker of the House, a position that puts her just once removed from the presidency.


In her first act in reclaiming the Speakership – which has never been done before, Pelosi minions have stated she is set to move several pieces of legislation that would fund the partially-closed government while denying President Trump the $5 Billion he has demanded for a border security system. She is executing an “end-around” on the President.

Mind you, Pelosi will not succeed unless she is joined in passing these pieces of legislation by Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell. Even then, President Trump will have an opportunity to veto the bills. And therein lays the rub.

Pelosi is a political creature empowered by the opportunism of the ratings-starved media, as are all Progressive-Fascists (which are what radical Democrats like Pelosi have become). In creating this end-around, she is attempting to paint President Trump, and to a lesser extent Senate and congressional Republicans, as the one who has “shut-down” government.

Then, she and Chuck Schumer – who combined have been in Federal government for over 50 years, will glom onto the media spotlight and do what they have been so good at doing for the total of their tenures. They will use a complicit media to capture the narrative thus advancing the false notion that somehow a President who is demanding our borders be secure in a post-9/11 world is to blame for Democrat obstruction and a quasi-hobbling of government.

This has nothing to do with honestly debating the merits of a controlled and/or walled border. It has nothing to do with the security of a nation that saw almost 3,000 people slaughtered on September 11, 2001, by 19 Islamofascists who violated immigration law, or the poisoning of our people by the Mexican and Latin American drug cartels. It has everything to do with the Progressive-Fascist’s addiction to ultimate power.

Nancy Pelosi is not a good and kind woman, nor is Chuck Schumer a good and kind man. They are both political puppets to the oligarchic elite; to the globalist billionaires and trillionaires who want to profit from the bleeding of the United States. Pelosi and Schumer have both been paid handsomely for their loyalty; they are both multi-millionaires because of it. That’s not an easy feat on a salary of just $223,500 and $193,400 annually, respectively (yes, Pelosi makes more than Schumer…damn the gender inequality).

Add to this initial volley, myriad false-flag investigations and nuisance hearings into the semantics and inanities of partisan politics and the stage is set for at least the next two years of governmental gridlock in Washington, DC.

Nancy Pelosi is back as Speaker of the House. Progressive-Fascist Democrats are the ones who re-elected her to this position. Let’s all try to remember that when nothing gets done for the next two years and we all are brought to the point of vomiting over politics.

“That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended – civilizations are built up – excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and the cruel people to the top and it all slides back into misery and ruin.” – C.S. Lewis




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