2013 Directory of Public Officials Now Available

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REPORT FROM HIPA – The Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs (HIPA) has issued its 2013 Directory of Public Officials.  And now, thanks to AT&T, a web-based mobile application will allow smartphone users to download the directory for easy, on-the-go use.

“We’re proud to once again publish this directory to facilitate public participation in the legislative process,” said William Kaneko, President and CEO of HIPA. “We thank Olomana Loomis ISC and Hawaii Open Data, our technical partners that made this possible, and our numerous sponsors for underwriting the costs of this community service project. In particular, we want to thank AT&T for making possible the mobile app, a first for the directory.”

“AT&T has a long history of supporting charities and other worthy causes in Hawaii, and we know this new app will be a great tool for those who need to reach various branches of government for information,” said Dan Youmans, regional vice president for AT&T external affairs.

The directory was compiled with the assistance of federal, state and county government staffs that provided the names and contact information of all lawmakers in Hawaii.  HIPA printed and will distribute 25,000 booklets; interested parties can pick up free copies at the State Capitol’s Public Access Room (Room 401) on the 4th Floor.  Sponsors of this year’s print directory include Bank of Hawaii, Pacxa, Olelo Community Media, and Service Printers Hawaii.  The app can be downloaded by visitingwww.d.hipaonline.com or by scanning the Quick Response (QR) code attached.  The same code can also be found on the back cover of the print directory.

HIPA is Hawaii’s first independent, nonpartisan organization devoted to fact-based research, issues education and community collaboration. The institute’s goal is to improve the quality of life and business in Hawaii by improving public policy. By encouraging informed debate of the immediate and long-term issues facing Hawaii’s communities, the institute brings together scholars, policy-makers and the community. This collaborative approach of all major stakeholders creates a forum in which new knowledge, new ideas and new opportunities are created to solve Hawaii’s most important issues.

