6 Things You Never Knew Existed in Hawaii That Even Locals Scratch Their Heads Over

Blue Dragon
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If you think you know everything there is to know about Hawaii, you might want to think again.

Blue Dragon

1. Blue dragons

These curious little creatures are known as Glaucus atlanticus and are quite beautiful. They are a sea slug that are rarely seen except during periods of on-shore winds which bring them in. They spend their entire lives drifting with the foot oriented toward the surface. They eat a variety of drifting prey including Portuguese man-o-war. They can actually absorb and store venom. If you think this guy is amazing, there’s another version that looks like Pikachu!

2. Glass floats

Glass floats are like hitting the jackpot for beach goers who find them on the shore.  They come in all sizes, as small as a lemon and as large as a beach ball.  The holy grail are the larger ones intact with rope netting, barnacles, even tiny little crabs. Most originated in Japan as early as the 1920’s because of its large deep sea fishing industry. They were used to keep fishing nets afloat. But when a float broke free, it would drift off on a long journey along Pacific surface currents, from Japan up to the Aleutians and down the West Coast. They have been washing ashore ever since.   You can buy them on eBay and in specialty stores ranging from $30-$3000!  Read more about them here.

Photo: Patrick Ching

3. Wallabies

Yes WALLABIES! The brush-tailed wallabies normally from Australia that are similar to kangaroos. Someone in the early 1900s brought a pair to Oahu and they escaped. Since then, the marsupials have been reproducing in Kalihi Valley.Because they are elusive, hiding in the bushes most of the time, people rarely see them.

Photo: Hawaii News Now

4. Hummingbird Hawk Moth

These guys are so fast, so most people don’t even know they exist.   If you are lucky you may spot one in Kaneohe or Moanaloa Valley. Hummingbird moths dart so quickly from flower to flower that you have to anticipate where they will be in order to photograph them. They behave much like bees, sucking on nectar.  These moths are also known as maile pilau hornworms after the host plant their catepillars prefer.

By Charles J Sharp – Own work, from Sharp Photography, sharpphotography.co.uk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76891220

5. Sea Aspargus

This is also, known as sea beans, glasswort or samphire, is especiallypopular in Europe and widely used in the US market. The green ocean vegetable has a delicious crunchy, salty flavor. Nutritionally, it is an excellent source of vitamins and loaded with Dietary Fiber, Amino Acids, Minerals, and TMG, a super antioxidant that metabolizes homocysteine, an FDA approved treatment for cardiovascular disease. You can find it at local farmers markets and grocery stores in Hawaii.

By Marco Schmidt [1] – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1516915

Wholphin Sea Life Park Hawaii - Photographer: Daniela Stolfi

6. Wholphin –  Part whale, part dolphin!

Kekaimalu, the only Wholphin in the world, with long time pal Senior Trainer Keana Pugh. Kekaimalu was born at Sea Life Park. Her father was a 1000 pound whale and her mother an Atlantic Bottle nose dolphin. No one knows the life expectancy of a Wholphin since she is the only one in the world to survive over 20 years. In 2004 she gave birth to a calf. The pair has become part of the parks shows and educational programs and has been raised and trained since birth by Keana.

By Daniela Stolfi- Tow – Sea Life Park Hawaii




  1. Thanks for sharing! I didn't really knew that some of these creatures actually exist. I'm fascinated by the blue dragons. They look very nice and unordinary.

  2. These are so amazing and the way you add in your post is so good to know. I am curious about these specially the Blue dragons. They are so beautiful in their color and in their size. Thanks for sharing this amazing post.

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