A sleigh-full of old and new traditions: ‘Christmas Talk Story’ is back at HTY

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REPORT FROM HTY—A beloved tradition is back for the holidays at Honolulu Theatre for Youth. Christmas Talk Story, a collection of original tales by local authors, returns with a few favorites, a few new works, and enough laughter, live music and joy to warm everyone’s hearts for the season.


The play opens at Tenney Theatre on the grounds of The Cathedral of St. Andrew Friday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m., then continues Saturdays, Nov. 24 – Dec. 22 at 4:30 p.m. HTY’s Onstage Workshop for Christmas Talk Story is on Dec. 15 at 2:30 p.m. Single tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for youth and $15 for seniors. Tickets may be ordered online at www.htyweb.org or by calling HTY at 839-9885. Walk-ups are welcome on a space available basis.


Stories included in this year’s show are: “Christmas Smell” by Sean T.C. O’Malley; “Hanuchriskwanzobon” by Yokanaan Kearns; “Nah Santa, No Werry” by Lee Tonouchi; “The Christmas Sentence” by Dot Saurer; “Mr. Abe Ain’t Santa Claus” by Cedric Yamanaka; “The Christmas Witch” by Sean T.C. O’Malley; “Bad Wrap” by Daryl Bonilla; and “The Perfect Tree” by Cheyne Gallarde.


Whether poignant, funny, silly or sad, each evokes a unique aspect of Christmastime in the islands, told from a child’s eyes. Stories are interspersed with holiday sing-alongs, accompanied by live music from Kala‘i Stern and Chesley Cannon. The result is a potpourri of holiday cheer as can only happen in the islands.


Christmas Talk Story is performed by HTY company actors Chesley Cannon, Alvin Chan, Maile Holck, Kala‘i Stern and Junior Tesoro. Director is Eric Johnson; music director is Kala‘i Stern; set, lights and props designer is David Gerke; costume designer is Sandra Payne.


Honolulu Theatre for Youth is Hawaii’s non-profit professional theatre company providing theatre and drama education programs that make a difference in the lives of Hawaii’s young people and families. Founded in 1955, HTY is recognized the world over as one of America’s most honored theatres.




  1. […] A sleigh-full of old and new traditions: 'Christmas Talk Story' is back at HTYHawaii ReporterChristmas Talk Story, a collection of original tales by local authors, returns with a few favorites, a few new works, and enough laughter, live music and joy to warm everyone's hearts for the season. The play opens at Tenney Theatre on the grounds of The … […]

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