Aiona Pledges He Won’t Go Behind Lingle’s Back on Civil Union Decision

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By Travis Taylor – It is unfortunate that State Rep. Tom Brower believes Lt. Governor Duke Aiona, as acting Governor, should sign or veto the civil unions bill (HB 444) behind the back of Governor Linda Lingle while she is on an economic mission to China.

Brower should not be doling out political advice, especially since he voted for HB 444 only days before turning on his Democrat colleagues for reviving the issue.


While Brower’s deceptive politics may pass in a State Legislature overrun with 90 percent of its members from one party, Lt. Governor Duke Aiona believes government works best with balance, integrity and accountability.

Governor Lingle has been meeting with proponents and opponents of the legislation alike, and she has made public her intention to take action on HB 444 after careful analysis and consideration.

If Lt. Governor Duke Aiona were to betray the public trust by acting solely for political gain, he wouldn’t be any better than his opponents.

There are many challenges and opportunities ahead for our great state, and the people of Hawaii want a leader who is committed to a brighter future. We deserve nothing less.

Travis Taylor is the Communications Director for Friends of Duke Aiona





  1. LT. Gov Duke Aiona has credibilty and integrety , unlike the liberals in the legislature wanting Duke to sign the bill , put this issue on the ballot in november and let the ” will of the people ” cast the final outcome with gay marriage . aloha

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