Abercrombie Releases $7.48 Million in CIP Funds for Public School Facilities

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Gov. Neil Abercrombie with State Budget & Finance Director Kalbert Young (photo by Mel Ah Ching Productions)

HONOLULU, HAWAII – Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced the release of more than $7.48 million to the state Department of Education (DOE) for various Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for improvements, consolidation and new facilities.

“These projects will upgrade several of our school facilities and improve efficiencies to accommodating the growing needs of our student population, ensuring a safe, environmentally responsible and productive learning atmosphere for students and educators,” said Governor Abercrombie. “The Legislature has been instrumental in helping to identify and make these CIP funds a priority. These projects are important to our students and educators as well as stimulating the economy through job creation.”


$2,200,000 – Data Center, O’ahu – Construction and works of art for the renovation of the former Lili’uokalani Elementary School cafeteria building as a support facility and data center for the DOE system, including a back-up generator so the DOE can continue to operate without loss of data in the event of power outages or emergencies (Relocation of 180 positions to the site, including DOE Office of Human Resources staff currently housed in rented space at the Dole Cannery building, are projected to save $900,000 per year in lease costs)

$2,000,000 – Energy improvements at various schools statewide – Energy improvements at Waikele Elementary School, Kapolei and Mililani Middle Schools, and Kapolei High School, including upgrades to central air conditioning systems and/or other building features to improve energy efficiency, and installation of data loggers and sub meters so that schools may track and manage their electrical use at a more detailed level

$1,000,000 – Special education renovations at various schools statewide – Special education portable classrooms at Pa’ia and Makakilo Elementary Schools, and trailer classrooms at Kihei Elementary School, Waipahu Intermediate School, and Kealakehe High School, as funding permits

$1,000,000 – East Kapolei High School, O’ahu – Planning for the new high school to accommodate increasing student populations at the existing James Campbell and Kapolei High Schools

$501,000 – Mililani Middle School, O’ahu – Additional funds to compete covered, multipurpose play courts to meet new building code for fire sprinklers

$500,000 – Playground equipment and accessibility at various schools statewide – Design and construction to provide safe, age-appropriate and accessible playground equipment and walkways at Waikele, Lihikai, Waikiki, Kapa’a and Kalei’opu’u Elementary Schools

$280,000 – Holualoa Elementary School, Hawai’i Island – Design for a pedestrian buffer to ensure the safety of students and staff on campus

More on the web: https://hawaii.gov/gov


