Akaka Bill Debate Continues This Week-Akaka Bill Heritage Foundation Symposium Early Tuesday; OHA Infomercial Tuesday Night

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The Akaka bill is getting increased attention both
locally and at the national level. Sunshine is the
best disinfectant.

On Tuesday, Aug. 30, are two programs
available nationwide. Details are provided below,
including how to view the events by live Internet
streaming or by downloadable audio-visual files.

First, there was a symposium about
the Akaka bill at the Heritage Foundation headquarters
in Washington, D.C. at 4 a.m. Hawaii time (10 a.m.
Washington time, or 7 a.m. California time). The
symposium will probably occupy 60 to 90 minutes,
including Q & A.

Here is a link to that event.


“Real Player” is needed to watch the program over the
Internet. RealPlayer should be downloaded ahead of
time, and is available for download free of charge at:

Speeches were given by Rubellite Kawena Johnson
(University of Hawaii, Professor of Hawaiian Language
and Literature, and descendant of Kamehameha the
Great, who opposes the bill); John Fund (Wall Street
Journal editorial board member and columnist); and
Larry Arnn (President of Hillsdale College); along
with Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., President, The Heritage

See more information at https://www.heritage.org/Press/Events/ev083005b.cfm

Senate debate begins soon on S. 147, the “Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act,” that purports to authorize the creation of a government of so-called “native” Hawaiians to exercise sovereignty over native Hawaiians living anywhere in the United States. In
2000, the Supreme Court ruled that this approach is unconstitutional. Yet, proponents believe they can avoid this ruling by declaring the descendants of “aboriginal” Hawaiians an American Indian tribe —
going so far as to allow for the election of an “interim government” of this alleged “tribe” and recognizing the sovereignty and privileges and immunities that the new government establishes for its
“tribal members.”

The distinguished panel will address the serious constitutional concerns and other key issues surrounding this effort. Can Congress simply declare the descendents of aboriginal Hawaiians, living
anywhere, an American Indian tribe? Does the 14th
Amendment permit the creation of an exclusively
race-based government? Would such a race-based
government kill the “aloha” of an integrated and
blended Hawaiian culture? Would it set a good
precedent if Congress could create race-based
governments and exempt them from the United States
Constitution? Is S. 147 the answer to supposed 19th
Century wrongs or did the citizens of Hawaii make the
right decision in 1959 when they voted overwhelmingly
for statehood without special preferences for “native”

”PROFESSOR JOHNSON” has a long and very distinguished
career as a scholar of Hawaiian language and
literature, researching ancient Hawaiian and
Polynesian knowledge of astronomy and geography as
well as ancient cultural practices. Her original
translation of the Kumulipo, the oral history of the
ancient Hawaiian people, won high acclaim. In 1983 she
was named a “Living Treasure of Hawaii.” Portions of her personal and academic resume, along with her testimony in opposition to the Akaka bill, can be seen at: https://tinyurl.com/3mdmv

”LARRY P. ARNN” is President of Hillsdale College in
Hillsdale, Michigan. He is the author of Liberty and
Learning: The Evolution of American Education (2004).
He is on the Board of Trustees of The Heritage
Foundation, The Henry Salvatori Center of Claremont
McKenna College, The Center for Individual Rights and
The Claremont Institute.

”JOHN FUND” is one of the nation

