Are You Looking for a Good-Paying Job?

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The Institute for Policy Innovation’s Dr. Merrill Matthews says you might try the government, it’s hiring and it pays very well.

USA Today reports that the number of federal employees making more than $100,000 a year is exploding. One in five now rakes in six-figure salaries.

In just 18 months:

*Defense Department workers making more than $150,000 grew from nearly 2,000 employees to more than 10,000.

*And the Transportation Department went from one person making $170,000 or more to 1,700 employees.

A government spokesperson says these are highly qualified people, and make less than the private sector. But federal employees also get much better benefits, all at taxpayers’ expense.

President Obama said he wanted to create a lot of high-paying jobs. Problem is, they’re all government jobs.

