REPORT FROM HONOLULU CRIMESTOPPERS – CrimeStoppers and the Honolulu Police Department are seeking the public’s assistance in locating a male who is wanted for robbing the Mililani branch of Bank of Hawaii located at 95-211 Kipapa Drive.
Suspect: Unknown male
Race: Filipino
Age: 20s
Height: 5’4”-5’6”
Weight: 200-220 lbs.
Hair: Black
Clothing: long sleeved light gray sweat shirt with “Pipeline Posse” on the front, blue denim shorts, slippers, baseball cap with star design.
On August 14, 2012, at approximately 1:00 p.m., a male entered the bank, approached the teller, handed a note, and demanded money. He fled in an unknown direction
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call CrimeStoppers at 955-8300, or *CRIME on your cellular phone. Free cellular calls are provided by AT&T, Nextel Hawaii, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless Hawaii, Mobi PCS, and Hawaiian Telcom. The public may now send anonymous text and web tips. Text “CS808” plus your message to 274637 or CRIMES
CrimeStoppers will pay a cash reward of up to $1,000 for information that leads to the arrest of a suspect.
Do not approach any suspect. All suspects and wanted fugitives should be considered armed and dangerous. All calls are confidential and anonymous. CrimeStoppers rewards are not paid to persons who participate in a crime, or are victims of a crime, or in missing person cases. Be a CrimeStopper and call the hot line at 955-8300 or *Crime on your cellular telephone. Access the CrimeStoppers website at https://www.crimestoppers-honolulu.org057/12