Bill 47 Will Save Honolulu City Taxpayers Money

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Honolulu City Hall - Photo by Mel Ah Ching

BY HANNI HARTMANN – It is now decision time.  Bill 47 will be heard for the last time on Wednesday in front of the full Honolulu City Council. We are requesting you to testify, either in person or via e-mail, to support Bill 47.

To reiterate, Schnitzer of Hawaii is currently costing the City of Honolulu $2 million in unnecessary fees every year. At the same time, they are generating over $12 million per year in local operating profits.

To add insult to injury, they have also reported a total operating profit of $848 million nationwide for the last 5 1/2 years. They are a highly profitable company, and yet they continue to take much needed funds from Oahu Taxpayers.

Furthermore, since Bill 47 has a reasonable chances to pass, they have already launched Bills 36 and 37. The purpose of these bills is to dilute the possible reduction of unearned discounts.

It is possible that they may be successful in passing these bills.  Council members Ann Kobayashi, Ernie Martin and Ikaika Anderson have already hinted and signaled that they may either kill Bill 47 and support Bills 36 and 37.

Your immediate support and action are necessary to prevent this from happening.

Submit emailed testimony in favor of Bill 47 and in opposition of Bill 36 and 37 here:

