Bills ‘n Minimum Wage ‘n Taxes | Hawaii Regional Cuisine | Hawaii Product Recall Update and More Smart Business News

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BY SAM SLOM Tomorrow will be the 15th day of the 2011 Legislative Session— 1/4 of the way to the May 5 adjournment. What’s been accomplished? No money, no budget, but civil unions/same sex marriage bill moving, rules for an appointed school board, new taxes and plenty of fees. AND animal bills galore (dogs, cats, aquarium fish, snakes, elephants, donkeys and foire gras) but no budget bill, the key reason for the lawmakers to meet.

HB432 and SB749 were submitted to the House and Senate by Rep. Scott Saiki and Sen. Carol Fukunaga, respectively. The bills make it unlawful to sell a toy gun to someone under age 18 unless the buyer used false identification or appeared 18 or older. The bills have been submitted to the Judiciary Committee in the House and the Commerce and Consumer Protection and the Judiciary and Labor committees in the Senate.

There are bills to raise taxes (alcohol, beverage containers and soda), to tax pensions and raise motor vehicle registration and weight taxes. And a bill to increase the minimum wage to $8.50/hour effective 7/1/11.

No good bills to improve Hawaii’s business climate. Or to cut taxes.

The Hawaii State Department of Health issued an update February 3 on the revised list of recalled products manufactured by First Commercial Kitchen LLC based on new information.

The DOH is aware that records provided by First Commercial Kitchen LLC may include inaccurate and outdated information due to the company’s questionable record keeping practices.  DOH is providing the opportunity for businesses to have their products removed from the recall list if they can provide sufficient documentation and evidence of product safety.  For more information on how to have products removed from the recall listing go to: or e-mail .

The following products have been removed from the recall list based on new information received by the Department of Health:

  • Soul de Cuba: Mango Salsa, Mojo Marinade
  • Sunset Sauces: Pacific Pesto (Mac Nut Style), Pacific Pesto (Asian Style)

The revised list of recalled products as of February 3, 2011 is as follows:

  • Arturo’s Hot Sauces: Pineapple Salsa, Hot Hawaiian Savory Sauce, Phitias Hot Sauce, Pineapple Pepper Salsa
  • Refrigerated Salsas: Maui Onion Sauce, Red, Red Hot, Red Very Very Hot
  • Shelf Stable Salsas: Red Very Very Hot
  • Barb’s Favorite Recipes: Barb’s Local Style Black Bean Sauce, Barb’s Kal-Bi Sauce
  • Cabais Capital Sweet Wasabi Sauce
  • Grand Café & Bakery: Dessert Topping, Sherry Vinaigrette
  • India Café: Curry Sauce for Meat, Sauce for Seafood, Tikka Masala (General Sauce)
  • Jen-e Tropical Creamy Garlic Dressing
  • Mom’s Recipe Sauce
  • Pacific Poultry: Huli-Huli Sauce
  • Table Boss Safari Sauce
  • Wing Coffee Company: Thick Soy Sauce, Sweet & Sour Sauce, Plum Sauce,Hoisin Sauce, Black Bean Garlic

American Savings Bank (ASB) announced February 3 the hiring of Kaulana Park as Senior Vice President, Community and Business Development, as part of the bank’s efforts to expand its community development programs and pursue a strategy for providing clean energy financing across the state.  Park, who most recently served as Director of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and Chairman of the Hawaiian Homes Commission, brings nearly 25 years of experience in government, business development, community leadership, and retail banking to his new position.

The Hawaii Restaurant Association (HRA) has announced the launch of a year-long series of activities and programs designed to celebrate twenty years of “the Exciting, Extraordinary Evolution of Hawaii Regional Cuisine.” In August 1991, twelve of Hawaii’s most talented chefs from across the Islands gathered on Maui and pioneered a new culinary concept: “Hawaii Regional Cuisine.” The premise was to elevate the culinary experience in Hawaii by featuring the foods of Hawaii’s land and sea into each of the chef’s own distinctive styles of cooking, resulting in exciting, creative presentations and delectable dining experiences .

For a current list of Hawaii restaurants that offer Hawaii Regional Cuisine, as well as updated information on events and activities, go to

The regular monthly luncheon meeting of the Professional Women’s Network will be held Thursday February 24, 2011 at a private venue in downtown Honolulu.  The keynote speaker is Special Agent Tom Simon of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He will be speaking about lying, cheating, and stealing. More info, register and prepay online with your credit card at:

The Parker Ranch Inc. announced that Neil “Dutch” Kuyper has been selected as its president and CEO, effective Feb. 28. Kuyper replaces Chris Kanazawa.

A new edition of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey is now available in English from Liberty Publishing Company. This is the Thirtieth Anniversary Edition since Jonathan’s birth on KHVH radio in Honolulu and twenty years after the first publication by Smart Business Hawaii. This new edition has now been expanded with two additional chapters. Are warfare and earthquakes good for an economy because of all the spending to replace what has been destroyed? The chapter “Opportunity Lost” revisits Frederic Bastiat’s famous tale of “The Broken Window” to explain opportunity cost, the “seen and unseen” of such spending.

Another chapter, “Cash for Codgers,” mocks government “stimulus” programs that pay for the demise of the old in order to make way for the new.

This new 2011 Expanded Edition of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible is now available from Amazon Says Terry Easton, founder of Liberty Publishing Company, “The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible is a must read for every lover of economic freedom and personal liberty!” As the Publisher of this New 2011 Expanded Fourth Edition, you’d expect me to say this. But it’s true. I’ve used this book in my own college courses in Macro Economics, and my students have often learned more about the fundamental principles of economics – and how the real market works – than from their textbook. And they’ve had more fun doing it. If you want to understand just what has made America the great country it is, read this book. It will change your life.”

The Hawai`i Death With Dignity Society announced that the 50,000-member Democratic Party of Hawai`i (DPH) has made the Death With Dignity legislation now before the State Legislature a “priority” issue. The DPH joins other significant political organizations who have officially weighed in to support the legislation including: Americans For Democratic Action, Hawai`i Advocates For Consumer Rights, Hawai`i Friends of Civil Rights, Hawai`i Independent Democrats, the Hawai’i Women’s Political Caucus, and the Kokua Council of Seniors, the state’s oldest organization of seniors. The Senate Health Committee on Monday, after a 5 hour public hearing, held this year’s death bill.

Smart Business Hawaii’s next  monthly Sunrise Networking Breakfast will be Thursday, February 24, in the Pineapple Room at Macy’s, Ala Moana from 7 to 8:30 am. Sunrise is held the last Thursday, monthly, through November. This month’s speaker , Abbey Mayer, former State Planner under Governor Linda Lingle, is now the Vice President for Government Affairs, Ko O’lina resort. Members at SBH Sunrise enjoy a complete buffet breakfast, free exhibit area, networking, and business introductions to boost their business. The public is welcome and parking is free at Ala Moana Center. Cost is $25 for members and their guests who pay in advance; $35 for non-members and at the door. For information and reservations, call Darlyn at SBH at 396-1724 to reserve a seat.

Reminder that four business leaders will be welcomed as Laureates into the Junior Achievement Hawaii Business Hall of Fame in an induction ceremony & dinner to be held: Friday, March 11, 2011, 5:30-8:30 PM Hale Koa Hotel. Hawaii Business Hall of Fame laureates for 2011 are:

  • Former Senator Richard Henderson, The Realty Investment Company
  • John Morgan, Kualoa Ranch
  • Robert Taylor, Maui Divers Jewelry
  • Shelley Wilson, Wilson Home Care

Contact: 545-1777 or visit:

Judge Sabrina Shizue McKenna, nominee for Associate Justice to the Supreme Court was unanimously confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee last Friday. She will go to the full Senate for confirmation shortly.

Celebrating a major business anniversary?  New location or product? Your business press releases are welcome in the weekly SBH News & Views E-News which reaches more than 8,000 business owners and government leaders in Hawaii.

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