Carroll Releases White Paper on Economic Fixes for Hawaii

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HONOLULU, HAWAII – In his just-released white paper report entitled HAWAII’S POTENTIAL FOR OPEN PORTS AND FREE TRADE IN HAWAII, Adopting Singapore’s Economic Model, John Carroll, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, lays out a bold plan for removing shipping restrictions that stifle free trade for Hawaii.

Hawaii has long suffered from restrictive and antiquated maritime laws that limit shipping and prevent foreign flagged vessels from competing. This lack of competitive shipping has curtailed the development of our agricultural industries as well as having driven up the cost of living for every Hawaii resident.

Carroll says the removal of specific laws, like the Jones Act and insuring compliance with the Commerce Clause are critical if Hawaii is going to enjoy economic prosperity.

“If what is offered here becomes reality, I will rest in peace knowing that a wonderful future will be available for all Hawaii’s children to come including my eight great grandchildren. I have worked for over forty years to get these onerous restrictions eliminated, “ said Carroll.

Carroll would also like to thanks those that helped him prepare this white paper report:

Keith Rollman, Cormick Barnes, Ingrid Johnson, Sierra Payne and Moe Sy and their mentor Ken Schoolland for their contributions and support.

Attachment: (PDF) Jones White Paper Final, Adopting Singapore’s Economic Mode





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