Check from Governor for Korean War Veterans Shows Administration's Can-Do Attitude

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“Mark Moses Image”

I was proud to witness Gov. Linda Lingle and Adjutant General Robert Lee present a $33,000 check to the Friends of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War.

This shows that the governor and her staff will persevere to do what is right for Hawaii.

The determination by the administration to raise this money through private donations from businesses and individuals reflects its can-do attitude and how much it honors and respects the Korean War veterans.

Democrats ignored my statement on the floor of the override session that this override was entirely unnecessary because money can and shall be raised within the community without having to break into the general fund.

The override was a show to embarrass the governor.

The money raised demonstrated the governor kept her word, accomplished the mission, and definitely has not forgotten the Korean War veterans.

”’Mark Moses is a Republican in the Hawaii State Legislature representing the Kapolei district.”’

