City’s Honolulu Answers’ Site Wins Interaction Award

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Mayor Peter Carlisle today congratulated the City’s Department of Information Technology and its Code forAmerica partners for winning a 2013 Interaction Award in recognition of the Honolulu Answers website.

“The public expects easy access to information about City services, and Honolulu Answers provides just that,” Carlisle said. “This resulted from the City winning the competitive Code for America grant in 2011, and it’s gratifying to see the entire City team’s efforts acknowledged.”


The site, at was selected in the awards’ “Connecting” category, which recognizes projects that facilitate communication between people and communities.

The City and nonprofit Code for America launched Honolulu Answers in July, after holding a unique “Write-a-thon” to create content that is resident-focused and easy to navigate and understand. The result is a comprehensive site that provides straightforward, non-technical answers like those a person would expect to receive from a friend or neighbor. Users can browse a variety of topics and type in questions or key words to receive answers.

The Interaction Awards is an initiative of the Interaction Design Association (IxDA), a global network of more than 25,000 members dedicated to the professional practice of Interaction Design. For more information, go to 





  1. The first search item I entered, "budget," came up with no hits. It appears the site is not as comprehensive as the administration thinks.

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