Climate Change We Can Believe In

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“Climate change” happened right before our very eyes and few politicians and members of the media realized it until Tuesday, January 19th. On that day, everyone felt a definite change in the political climate when Republican Scott Brown was elected by the voters of Massachusetts to complete the U.S. Senate term of the late Ted Kennedy. Ironically, Kennedy won his seat in a special election in 1962.

Brown’s victory in this special election was historic and shocking. Kennedy held a Senate seat for 46 years in what may be the most liberal state in the nation. In the 1972 presidential election, Massachusetts was the only state won by liberal Democrat Eugene McGovern.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat party leaders were in a state of shock, at the stunning turn of events. Apparently, until just a few days before the election, very few saw this coming. But when the Democrat candidate Martha Coakley conceded, it seemed as though a revolution had started.

This revolution started long before anyone ever heard of Scott Brown and it started far from the state of Massachusetts. In February 2009, people all over America began protesting reckless legislation, including the push to nationalize health care being forced through Congress by Pelosi and Reid. These protests gave birth to the “Tea Party” movement.

The first protest took place on February 16, 2009 in midst of another liberal enclave, the city of Seattle, Washington as an outcry against Congress passing a pork-laden stimulus bill that members of Congress admitted they didn’t read. The Seattle protest was initiated by Internet bloggers and the idea quickly spread with protests the following day in Denver, Colorado and Mesa, Arizona.

Then, on February 19th, in a live report from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade, CNBC on-air editor Rick Santelli called for a tea party on the Fourth of July. Called “the rant heard

