Community Invited to Review Draft Plan for State Historic Preservation Division

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REPORT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES — The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) has posted a draft copy of the October 2012 to October 2017 State Historic Preservation Plan on  to provide opportunity for public review and input.

“The 2012-2017 plan, when finalized, will help set priorities for the State Historic Preservation Division and the community, and will guide actions over the next five years,” said Pua Aiu, SHPD administrator. “SHPD’s programs and services are designed to promote the responsible use and maintenance of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of Hawaii’s citizens and visitors.”

The development and implementation of a comprehensive statewide historic preservation plan is one of the responsibilities of SHPD, under grant funding it receives from the U.S. National Park Service (NPS).

“The core of the plan is based on the historic preservation issues and concerns raised at community meetings held earlier this year and other public input provided by residents,” said Faith Sereno Rex, president of SMS Consulting, which is the lead contractor responsible for completing the plan. “Upon receipt of public comments and preliminary input from the NPS in late September, the plan will be updated for submission to NPS at the end of October. We hope that the many residents who attended meetings and have an interest in the community will take the time to review the draft plan and provide comments.”

The draft plan is available on the website:

Paper copies of the plan can be requested from SMS by e-mailing historicpreservation@smshawaii.commailing SMS, 1042 Fort Street Mall, Suite 200, Honolulu, HI  96813; or calling (808) 537-3356 or toll free 1 (877) 535-5767 (ask for Rachel).

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