Copy of Complaint Filed Against Hawaii’s House Speaker Challenging Residency

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August 17, 2006

Denise De Costa, City Clerk, City & County of Honolulu, Honolulu Hale, Honolulu, HI 96813

RE: Challenge to the right of Calvin K. Y. Say and his wife, Cora K. Say, to
remain registered as voters in the
5th Precinct, 20th Representative District, State of Hawaii.

Dear Ms. De Costa,

I am Michael G. Palcic, a registered voter of the 6th Precinct, 20th
Representative District, State of Hawaii.
I am formally filing a challenge to the right of
Calvin K. Y. Say and Cora K. Say to remain registered as voters in the 5th
Precinct, 20th Representative District, State of Hawaii.

This challenge is based upon my personal observations and evaluation of
evidence presented to me that the Says do not reside at 1822 10th Avenue as
they represent in their respective voter registrations. Their fixed
habitation and permanent dwelling place, where they reside with other
family members, is at 2247 Star Road, Honolulu, located in the 26th
Representative District, State of Hawaii.

How have I become convinced that this is true and how might you determine
the veracity of this claim?

1.) By simple observation: The house at 1822 10th Avenue appears to be
vacant, not lived in. The drapes are drawn. Almost always, in the evening,
the premises are completely dark. The garage is empty. There are no
personal items around the exterior of the house, no slippers at the door, no
gardening implements, no signs of life. In marked contrast, the Say

