Djou: Let’s get to work on reducing the cost of living in Hawaii and growing the economy

former Congressman Charles Djou
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former Congressman Charles Djou
former Congressman Charles Djou

HONOLULU – Former Congressman Charles K. Djou attended the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) 2014 Candidate Forum today at the Hawaii Prince in Waikiki.

“I am ready to hit the ground running to serve as the outspoken voice Hawaii critically needs in DC,” stated Djou.  “I am committed to tackling Hawaii’s high cost of living by reducing needless government regulations and expanding our economy through smart tax reform that will leave Hawaii residents with more money in their pockets.  I am the only candidate with Congressional experience ready to go to work for Hawaii on day one in the House majority caucus.”


At the BOMA forum Djou explained that the first measure he would co-sponsor as a member of congress is the Balanced Budget Amendment.  Djou is committed to working with both Democrats and the Republican majority in Congress to deliver for Hawaii.

Djou represented Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District from 2010 to 2011.  Djou’s opponent failed to attend today’s candidate forum and also missed a candidate forum last night in Mapunapuna.

submitted by Djou for Congress campaign






  1. Everyone who opposes the creation of a federally recognized Hawaiian tribe should vote against Djou. In a previous campaign he gave a half-hour interview on an OHA radio program, and said he was a strong supporter of the Akaka bill and the multitude of Hawaii's racial entitlement programs. He made a point of saying that as a Republican he could be far more effective than any Democrat in pushing those things through Congress. He said it was the Republicans who were blocking federal recognition and opposing the entitlement programs, and as a fellow Republican he would be meeting with them every day and could be very effective in wheeling/dealing and persuading them to stop blocking such things. And Djou was correct about that — he would be far more likely to succeed in persuading Republicans than any Democrat ever could be. That's why I will strongly oppose Djou's candidacy for Congress. I would normally support a Republican, and especially a fiscally conservative and socially liberal one like Djou. But Djou's stand on federal recognition and racial entitlements is pure poison, and I urge people to vote against him. Mark Takai also supports federal recognition and racial entitlements; but as a Democrat, the Republican majority will simply ignore Takai.

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