BY CLIFF AND BOBBIE SLATER – Circuit Appellate Court and the Hawaii Circuit Court ruled simultaneously against us in our attempts to save O’ahu’s residents from elevated rail along the waterfront.
Our preliminary decision is that there is little likelihood of prevailing in any further legal action. Therefore, the rulings conclude our legal fight.
We are proud of the fact that we did everything possible to stop the project. If nothing else, we brought closer public attention and scrutiny to it and furthered the taxpayers’ understanding of the environmental harm that the rail project will cause and what its future costs will be.
We want to thank our thousands of supporters who have assisted us in myriad different ways. Like us, they understood what was at stake.
While we are disappointed at the decisions the courts made, we are not as disappointed as we would be had we not given it our all.
Cliff and Bobbie Slater are the founders of HonoluluTraffic.com