FBI Surveils Bikini Baristas, Sergeant Busted in Sex Sting! Don’t Cops (and Feds) Have Better Things to Do?!

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By  – Good law enforcement agencies know to take their time when staking out bikini barista establishments suspected of operating prostitution rings. It’s important to pose as customers to witness lewd acts first hand and it’s absolutely crucial to spend many months pouring over surveillance footage. In fact, you might want to call upon federal agents to provide some extra surveillance footage.

In Snohomish County, Washington a very thorough bikini barista investigation has spanned approximately nine months, involved at least two local police departments (Everett and Kent) as well as the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Department and the FBI, and yielded multiple arrests for prostitution and related offenses. Among those caught in the sting operation wasSheriff’s Sgt. Darrell O’Neill, who would allegedly warn bikini baristas about undercover officers in exchange for sex (yes, even while in uniform).

But c’mon, don’t cops (and feds) have better things to do?!


The Sheriff’s Department recenty formed a special task force devoted to catching violent offenders, and during a recent sweep, officers spent three whole days catching bad guys. Not a bad idea. In fact, maybe officers should spend less time staking out (and having sex with) bikini baristas and more time hunting down violent criminals–after all, many are still on the prowl.

Just under 2 minutes.

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“Don’t Cops Have Better Things to Do?” is written and directed by Ted Balaker (@tedbalaker). Producer is Matt Edwards. Opening motion graphics by Meredith Bragg. Camera by Zach Weissmueller. Music by audionautix.com and “The Contessa” is by Maurice and the Beejays (Magnatune Records).





  1. […] FBI Surveils Bikini Baristas, Sergeant Busted in Sex Sting! Don't Cops (and …Hawaii ReporterBy Ted Balaker – Good law enforcement agencies know to take their time when staking out bikini barista establishments suspected of operating prostitution rings. It's important to pose as customers to witness lewd acts first hand and it's absolutely … […]

  2. This is silly! Boys will be boys I guess! And I thought policemen and all others alike deserve our full respect

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