REPORT FROM HONOLULUTRAFFIC.COM – HonoluluTraffic.com’s federal lawsuit will have what is most probably its final hearing before Judge A. Wallace Tashima this coming Wednesday, December 12, at 10 am in the Federal Courthouse. Final papers were filed by us, the City, and the FTA ten days ago as noted below. Ours are available here.
The hearing is to discuss injunctions and the remedies for the City and FTA’s transgressions.
The Federal court building is at the corner of Halekauwila and Punchbowl Streets and the entrance is on Punchbowl Street. It is easy to mistake the regular Federal Building entrance for the Courthouse entrance; make sure you are going into the right one.
There is special court parking at Restaurant Row, $9:00 for the day. Tell them when you go in. If you are lucky, or early enough , there may be street parking and there is also a parking lot on Pohukaina.
Court is due to start at 10:00 am, and will most likely not be longer than a couple of hours. Our lead attorneys, Nick Yost and Matt Adams will both be here.
We are not expecting Judge Tashima to announce a ruling at the hearing; it will most likely come early in the year.
As we have been saying since the beginning of this case, after Judge Tashima rules, either we, or the City/FTA, will appeal the result to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. We hope that the matter will be finally settled during the first half of next year.