Final Marriage Equality Update

Senate votes to pass Senate Bill 1 to legalize gay marriages in November 2013
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Senate votes to pass Senate Bill 1 to legalize gay marriages in November 2013

BY SCOTT FOSTER – To say the least, the events of these past few daze have been something to behold. Before I get to the rest of the good news, I want to thank our many friends & allies in Hawai`i, Washington DC, New York and elsewhere for their help in getting our message out — with a special Mahalo to Tanya Domi at The New Civil Rights Movement.

A shout-out must go to Hawaii’s Thomas Steinmetz and his international staff atEturboNews for their timely media coverage which was indeed picked up and redistributed worldwide – from Texarkana Arkansas to Beijing China.
Many have asked about the final bill and the law created with the stroke of Governor Abercrombie’s pen. Hawaii’s incomparable State Legislative Reference Bureau tells me that the Hawaii Marriage Equality Act of 2013 is “Act 001” with the Governor’s Message being “No. 44.” The complete legislative history of SB1, now Act 001 is HERE.
11:46 a.m. HST, Nov 14,
Judge refuses to block Hawaii’s same-sex marriage law
By Star-Advertiser staff
Circuit Court Judge Karl Sakamoto ruled against same-sex marriage opponents today, refusing to issue a temporary restraining order to prevent the state from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples starting Dec. 2. After hearing arguments for about an hour, Sakamoto said that while state Rep. Bob McDermott and others had standing to file their request to block the new marriage equality law, the state Legislature has the inherent authority to define marriage independent of a 1998 constitutional amendment that gave the Legislature the power to reserve marriage to heterosexual couples. “After all the legal complexities of the court’s analysis, the court will conclude that same-sex marriage in Hawaii is legal,” Sakamoto said. Original story HERE
November 13, 2013
Hawai`i becomes 15th state to legalize same-sex marriage
A Hawai News Now Special Report
Originally broadcast live from the Hawai`i Convention Center, this 54-minute video and its accompanying text is extraordinary in both its content and length. Mahalo toHawaii News Now for committing the time and resources required to document this historic event in its entirety.
Finally, I dedicate this photo taken moments after Governor Abercrombie signed Act 001 TO YOU — to whom much of the credit is due.
Scott Foster is the communications director for the Hawaii Advocates for Consumer Rights.





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