Governor Releases $18.7 Million for State Facilities, Schools

Gov. Neil Abercrombie asked Perry Artates to resign as a Hawaiian Homelands Commissioner after learning of his federal fraud conviction
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Gov. Neil Abercrombie

HONOLULU – Gov. Neil Abercrombie today announced the release of more than $18.7 million in capital improvement project (CIP) and grant funds for priority repairs and improvements at state facilities and public schools, as well as installation of a new photovoltaic system for a charter school on Kauai.

“Our economy is getting stronger, and capital improvement projects are key to maintaining our positive momentum while enriching state services, improving public areas and enhancing learning environments throughout Hawaii,” Gov. Abercrombie said. “A portion of these funds will go toward the installation of a new photovoltaic system at Ke Kula Niihau O Kekaha Charter School on Kauai, allowing the school and its K through 12 students to meet 100 percent of their classrooms’ energy needs.”

Allotment of funds for the following priority projects, identified by members of the state Legislature, has been approved by the Governor:


$9,895,000 – Kauai High School Gymnatorium, Kauai – Construction for a new gymnatorium (gymnasium/auditorium) building, which will include a wrestling room, boys and girls locker rooms, an athletic director’s office, and other support spaces

$2,500,000 – Heeia Elementary School, Oahu – Design and construction to provide covered play courts and help alleviate drainage issues due to frequent rain common in the Kaneohe area

$1,000,000 – Campbell High Athletic Track and Field Complex, Oahu – Design and construction for improvements to the existing cinder track and a new press booth; the project will also start design for a new synthetic track

$180,060 – Ke Kula Niihau O Kekaha Charter School Photovoltaic System, Kauai – Capital improvement grant to Aha Punana Leo, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, for planning, design and construction of a new 30 kilowatt photovoltaic system to supply 100 percent of the charter school’s power


$2,597,000 – Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) CIP Administrative Services, statewide – Financing for wages and fringe benefits of DLNR’s project-funded positions for fiscal year 2014

$2,000,000 –  Puhawai Culvert, Oahu – Construction of culverts and other related drainage improvements to alleviate flooding along Puhawai Road in Waianae (The Lualualei Flats area is prone to flooding due to insufficient drainage infrastructure, lack of stream maintenance, and illegal dumping in streams and ditches)

$300,000 – Hilo Harbor Mooring Buoys, Hawaii Island – Construction to install five-day use mooring buoys (DMBs) as mitigative measures to comply with permit requirements for the dredging of Hilo Harbor (DLNR will install DMBs as part of the existing program to provide mooring opportunities in areas of high vessel traffic to reduce damage to natural resources from anchors)

$300,000 – Kewalo Basin Jetty Riprap Wall Repair, Oahu – Design to repair the riprap wall, located in a popular surfing area, which has been damaged by wave action creating potential danger to individuals




  1. This is the kind of initiative that we need! I don't know who or what in the government is keeping us from improving our status

  2. What a great guy! I've come to the conclusion that the people who are the most quiet have the most initiatives. Thos who always talk about what they'll do are actually almost worthless.

  3. Finally, after so many years without investments, they decided that the cause for all the situation is because of the lack of education. Maybe, in 10 years, there will not be so many women killed in our country.

  4. it would be better if they would invest all the money in education. but i think it works like this too.

  5. This is very good! Education is always left at the end of the priority list, or at least that;s what it feels like. I hope this money will be wisely spent!

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