Hawaii Kai CPA Launches Blog on Local Politics

Natalie Iwasa
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Natalie Iwasa
Natalie Iwasa

BY NATALIE IWASA – One of the greatest things about campaigning for the Honolulu City Council these past few months was getting to talk, debate and share ideas with so many people.

Let’s not lose that momentum and that great energy.

Join me on my new blog where we can keep talking and sharing our thoughts on how to make Honolulu an even better place to live!

You can find my new blog here:  https://whatnataliethinks.wordpress.com/

Be sure to sign up to follow the blog so you can share your thoughts, add your comments and contribute to a vibrant and spirited conversation.

See you there!




  1. Great post. Thanks…………..When I woke up this morning, I looked at the Fitbit App to see how I slept. Looking at the information, I started wondering just how the sleep tracker worked so I headed over to the Fitbit site to see if I could get some more information.

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