The Quantum Institute International for Holistic Health invites you to a FREE workshop on Quantum Healing With Energy.
Our mission is to spread a deeper understanding of human consciousness and how it impacts our bodies, others andthe world; raise personal and global consciousness though the Quantum Holistic Health School, events and services; and to help people recognize and live their untapped and unlimited potential.
WHAT: An introduction to the principles and definition of quantum healing. There is also an understanding of the dynamics of consciousness and its effect on matter. The principles of health, and an exploration of the human energy body will be covered. This is an EXPERIENTIAL workshop in healing and energy. A fun class for everyone!
WHEN: This workshop will be repeated on the following dates and times
- Saturday May 3 from 10am to 12pm
- Tuesday May 6 from 6pm to 8pm
- Saturday May 10 from 10am to 12pm
- Tuesday May 13 from 6pm to 8pm
WHERE: Quantum Institute International for Holistic Health, 2636 Pamoa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822. In Manoa, behind UH, near the St. Francis School
Class size is limited. Please CALL NOW to reserve a space!