HONOLULU – The successful launch of the Hawaiian Airlines® World Elite MasterCard has generated an additional $100,000 in funding for the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage Sponsored by Hawaiian Airlines. The donation is the maximum amount pledged by the airline and its credit card partners MasterCard, Barclaycard US and Bank of Hawaii. The companies made contributions for each credit card activated between the card’s launch on February 24 and May 13, 2014.
The funds are available on an unrestricted basis to further the voyage’s mission of global sustainability. The donation augments Hawaiian Airlines’ previously announced commitment of 32 million air miles for crew travel as well as cargo support to transport supplies throughout the Pacific.
“We are proud to be the lead supporter of Mālama Honua and its mission to change the way we approach our planet’s natural and cultural resources, and are pleased to be able to use this latest opportunity to further support and encourage this epic undertaking,” said Mark Dunkerley, Hawaiian Airlines president and chief executive officer.
“We are very grateful to Hawaiian Airlines for its steadfast commitment to Mālama Honua,” said Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS) President Nainoa Thompson. “Our first international leg was tremendously successful. Ongoing support such as this is critical if we are to succeed in inspiring young people throughout the world to care for and sustain our planet and co-exist in peace and compassion.”
Mālama Honua, to care for our earth, is a four-year journey by the Polynesian voyaging canoe Hōkūle‘a and the research canoe Hikianalia across the earth’s oceans. Powered by the wind, guided by the stars, and based on the culture of ancient Polynesian navigators, the voyage will cover a total of 47,000 nautical miles and will visit 85 ports in 26 countries.
Hōkūle‘a and Hikianalia began their passage across the Pacific on May 30, departing from Hilo on Hawai‘i Island and arriving in Papeete, Tahiti on June 22, 2014. The canoes traveled throughout French Polynesia and the Cook Islands, visiting marae, learning about shared culture and history and conducting port education programs about navigation and the voyage.
The canoes arrived in Apia, Samoa on August 31, 2014, where PVS will participate in the United Nations Small Island Developing States Conference. The conference will highlight the importance of sustainability efforts in islands and oceans throughout the world.
For more information about the PVS and the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage sponsored by Hawaiian Airlines, visit www.hokulea.com.