Hawaii’s Toys ‘R’ Us Kicks Off 2009 Toys for Tots Collection Effort

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Toys for Tots Hawaii – Toys “R” Us will host the Marines at their Pearl Ridge store this Friday, Nov 6th in an effort to help the Marine Corps’ 2009 Toys for Tots Hawaii collection drive. Marines will be on hand at the store from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. to accept donations of new, unwrapped toys.

Toys “R” Us is the largest retail partner and largest cash contributor nationally to the Marines’ annual toy collection drive.

Partnering with the Marines since 2004, Toys “R” Us has raised more than $13 million and collected more than 1.5 million toys to aid
the national collection drive.

Since 1996, the Marines Corps’ Toys for Tots Hawaii program has collected nearly 640,000 toys and more than $350,000 to purchase
toys for distribution to nearly 400,00 of Hawaii’s children.

This year’s goal is 45,000 toys – given the tough economic climate, we
anticipate that the need will be greater than ever.

For more information on the Toys for Tots program, call 257-7125.

‘Chuck Little is the Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific’

