Hirono Continued Slander in Closing Days of Campaign

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Mazie Hirono and Linda Lingle

REPORT FROM THE CAMPAIGN OF US SENATOR LINDA LINGLE – Mazie Hirono is hosting a rally today to slander Governor Linda Lingle in regards to the 2009-2010 teacher furloughs, a tactic that has been a hallmark of Hirono’s campaign.

“For over a year now, Hirono has ducked the important issues facing our state, and instead has focused on misleading and downright false attacks on Governor Lingle. Today, she is hosting a rally to bash Governor Lingle on an issue that has been put to bed by several independent sources, including the Star-Advertiser and Honolulu Magazine,” said Campaign Manager Bob Lee. “Hirono should be holding a rally to talk about getting the over 40,000 unemployed in Hawaii back to work,” Lee added.


“Just today, Neil Abercrombie’s letter to the editor said, ‘When you can’t win on the issue, attack the individual.’ Hirono should take note from members of her own party who are fed up with baseless attacks, and a total disregard for the key issues facing Hawaii’s families,” continued Lee.

“In working to distract the public from her complete lack of a platform and her inability to articulate specific plans addressing issues, Hirono continues to rely on false claims. Hirono knows the fact is, no governor can furlough teachers. Period. The facts of the school furlough story are clear and Hirono’s attempts to re-write history have been debunked over and over again,” Lee concluded.





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