How Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Voted – June 28, 2010

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In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes

  • Senate: Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act
  • Senate: Motion to Invoke Cloture on Reid Amendment; American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010
  • House: Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act
  • House: Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act

Upcoming Congressional Bills

  • Senate: Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010
  • House: Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
  • House: Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010

Recent Senate Votes
Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act – Vote Passed (99-0, 1 Not Voting)

On Thursday, the Senate unanimously approved the conference report to this bill that would impose new sanctions on companies doing business with Iran. The House voted on the conference report later that day.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Motion to Invoke Cloture on Reid Amendment; American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010 – Vote Rejected (57-41, 2 Not Voting)

The Senate rejected the motion to end debate on this latest version of a bill to extend several expired tax provisions and unemployment benefits due to concerns about the federal deficit. After failing to agree on how to pay for the bill, Senate Democratic leaders have decided to move on to other legislation, and the bill’s future is unclear.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Recent House Votes
Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act – Vote Passed (219-206, 8 Not Voting)

The House passed this bill that would establish new reporting requirements for corporations, unions and other interest groups for campaign-related activities. The bill now goes to the Senate.

Rep. Charles Djou voted NO……send e-mail or see bio

Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act – Vote Passed (408-8, 1 Present, 16 Not Voting)

The House approved the conference report to this legislation that would impose new sanctions on companies doing business with Iran, sending it to the White House. The president is expected to sign the bill.

Rep. Charles Djou voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Upcoming Votes
Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010 – H.R.5297

The Senate will start work on this bill that would establish a lending fund administered by the Treasury Department to invest in financial institutions with the intention of expanding the availability of credit to small businesses.

Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 – H.R.4173

The House is scheduled to vote on the conference report of this financial regulation reform bill. The Senate may also vote on it later this week.

Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010 – H.R.4899

The House is likely to vote on this legislation funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and providing for additional funding for foreign aid and disaster assistance.


