The United States Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) has set Hurricane Condition 3 for the Islands of Hawaii, Maui County, and Oahu.
At Hurricane Condition 3, all pleasure craft shall seek sheltered waters. All ocean going commercial vessels and ocean going barges greater than 200 gross tons must make plans for departing the port area if they do not have COTP permission to remain.
These vessels will be required to depart the port 24 hours prior to tropical storm or Hurricane Condition 2. Vessels that desire to remain in port must submit a safe mooring plan in writing to the COTP and receive permission to remain in port.
The COTP intends on setting Hurricane Condition 3 for the Island of Kauai at 0700W 06 August 2014 contingent upon developing conditions overnight.
The COTP anticipates setting Hurricane Condition 2 for the Islands of Hawaii, Maui County and Oahu 24 hours in advance of each of the islands encountering tropical storm force winds.
All ocean going commercial vessels and ocean going barges greater than 200 gross tons are expected to make preparations to leave the ports by the following times:
Hawaii (Big Island) Hilo – 0400W 07 August 2014
Hawaii (Big Island) Kawaihae – 0700W 07 August 2014
Maui County Kahului 0900W – 07 August 2014
Maui County Kaunakakai and Kaumalapau – 1200W 07 August 2014
Oahu – 1800W 07 August 2014
Kauai – 0400W 08 August 2014