Kailua Home Destroyed by Nearby City Sewer Repair

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I read your article — “Sewer Solutions May Be on the Horizon for Kailua” — about the Kailua sewer project on Sept. 20, 2005. It was informative from one stand point in that the problem is being addressed in stopping the sewer overflow into the ocean.

However, I can not stand up and cheer about the success, because my old house is being destroyed by the technique that is being used to quickly renovate the problem.

My home is located on the corner of Kalaheo and Kuulei Rd. I own an old house, that was built in 1947. The hammering and drilling, which begin in Nov. 17, 2005, has been destroying my home.

There are now cracks in the ceiling in all rooms, where once there was only one or two bedrooms now every room have many cracks (10 rooms), which are continuing as I type this letter to you.

I have been in contact with Frank Coluccio Construction Co. and they have been no help, except to say that this is what the city wants them to do and what do I expect out of a poorly built old house. I can’t believe the wonderful city of Honolulu could approve of this.

I am a retired, disabled, single female on a fixed income.

In 2005, I had friends and foes trying to help me to get my house ready to sell.

It was on the Market for July, August and September, but I didn’t get the kind of offer I needed, so I went to night school (Dower Realtor School on Kuulei Rd.) through all the pain to get my license to be able to sell my own home.

Now this beautiful old home is being destroyed by the hammering and the construction company will not fix what they have messed up. I don’t have the money to fix up what they have done and no power to make them clean up their mess.

If you have any ideas about how to help me, I am listening.

”’Brenda Lenoir, a resident of Kailua, can be reached via email at”’ mailto:aloha2brenda@verizon.net

”’HawaiiReporter.com reports the real news, and prints all editorials submitted, even if they do not represent the viewpoint of the editors, as long as they are written clearly. Send editorials to”’ mailto:Malia@HawaiiReporter.com

