Kakaako, a homeless village

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Police officers and homeless advocates check out the homeless situation in Kakaako Park
Police officers and homeless advocates check out the homeless situation in Kakaako Park

Property near Kakaako Park has become a homeless village.

While the area used to be filled mainly with single homeless men living in pup tents or under tarps, many families with young children are now living there.


Jeff Davis, the libertarian candidate for governor, has been sleeping overnight with the homeless to get to know more about the problem.

He also has held celebrity sleepovers with lawmakers, activists and entertainers, so they can meet the homeless and hear their stories firsthand.

Davis said Kakaako resembles some of poorest communities in the Philippines. He is working to get volunteer doctors and nurses to aid the people, particularly the children, living there.

Tuesday night, police swept the area, confiscating many of the items homeless left behind and ordering homeless living on the streets to clear out, but the homeless moved back to the same area soon after police left.

Kakaako contains just one of many unofficial homeless villages throughout the state.

These families are struggling because Hawaii has the overall highest cost of living, near highest housing costs, and among the highest taxes in the nation.





  1. Looks like most of the homeless camped out in Kakaako are from Micronesian Islands,including Marshall Islands.the adult male Micronesians are able bodied and fit.they may be willing to work,but maybe government regulations don't allow it? there is a lot of construction going on around there. It would really be nice if the construction industry and fast food industry,etc, could set up a " Casual Labor Hiring Center " in Kakaako and other homeless sites and hire the people willing to work.but it is very important to keep all politicians away.they would just see it as a photo-op. And to really make this a success,should not involve any state or federal agencies.

  2. @trendeez, actually,it looks like the Micronesian homeless are mostly young families with children.And they are peaceful, quiet and law abiding otherwise. they have all the legal requirements to live in Hawaii since they are US citizens since the Marshall Islands are US Possessions(protectorate). They are not illegal immigrants and they do enroll in Hawaii's very generous free health and welfare programs because the adults can't find jobs because of government red tape.(no surprise). all I'm saying is let them work.plenty of work in the islands.they want to work.and keep all police and law enforcement away. the Micronesians are not criminals.none of the homeless are.

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