21st Century WORKplace

WORK, in all its many ways...


by Carleen MacKay ::  Rob Kinslow

JOBSWORKCAREERdirection“JOBS” dominated the U.S. workforce in the 20th century,
WORK, in all its many ways, now rules the 21st!
“It’s a new dawn… It’s a new day… It’s a new life… For YOU!”

It will take all of us to navigate our way through the impact of the 21st century’s accelerated workplace and workforce changes…

Work matters… We are here to guide upcoming generations to understanding where the best emerging future-focused opportunities; to support mid-careerists re-inventing themselves, as disruptive change overtakes the job stability of the past; to encourage the oldest workers looking for ways to continue to contribute, or risk becoming burdens to society.

What happens if… we don’t guide our emerging generations? What happens if students who want to attend college do not pursue advanced placement classes in fields that matter to the market? Do you know? Does it matter? Beyond AP, what courses are you guiding even the youngest of the young to pursue? Perhaps you leave the choices to the educators and school guidance counselors? Remember, it will take all of us to prepare them for the future. A future that is as unlike the past as their great-Grandpa’s horse and buggy is to today’s drones.

21stttcskillsWhat happens if… we don’t move beyond the status quo model of mid-career coaching, outplacement and transitional coaching, or searching for the next job that looks like the last job? State-of-the-art career coaching reflects the individual’s responsibility for owning their career choices… choices that are decidedly different than in the past. Can you name a dozen ways to help others continue their careers, even beyond the traditional world of 8-5 work of this century? What tools do they need beyond a resume and a hope? Remember, it will take all of us to guide these travelers, with a foot firmly planted on each shore of time, to the only place where true security and insecurity lives – a place within us all!

What happens if… we don’t connect the dots between longer, healthier lifetimes with some form of later work? Abrupt transition to what we once labeled as retirement is, in fact, statistically life shortening. Do you know where there are needs for their talent and skills? Do you know how to help them find full-time or part-time purposeful work or paid work? It will take all of us to help our elders find their rightful place in this new world of work.

The future …ah… the future, is filled with opportunity, if we pay attention to the changes that affect us, and, while helping ourselves, help others who share this part of life’s journey with us.learn-897410_1280

*With thanks to the songwriter, Sam Chennault!

P.S. Love this song – particularly Michael Buble’s version… Good lyrics for us during happy or sad times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edwsf-8F3sI

Wanna learn more? Look us up on LinkedIn:  Carleen MacKay ::  Rob Kinslow




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