Moving on, for Returning or Retiring Veterans

Targeted Help


by Carleen MacKay ::  Rob Kinslow

A few short years ago, we interviewed Kent Koopman, a Marine veteran and volunteer contributor to government programs designed to help returning or retiring File_004veterans to reintegrate into the American workplace. This is what Kent said about his favorite government program for veterans:

“One day, a person is a team member devoted to carrying out a shared mission, and the next day he/she is a lone-wolf in a strange land.”

Kent continued, “A mind set change is required to begin the challenge of surviving and thriving in today’s workforce environment. Establishing a new, or expanded, network of colleagues and friends for social and economic benefit is a high priority. To help with the transition, the armed services have existing programs geared to teaching reintegration tactics and strategies to exiting individuals. There are programs, such as REBOOT that reinforce these ideas during concentrated sessions and a series of workshops.”

Today, Kent’s advice to veterans is to keep all your options on the tableFile_002 by also meeting with civilian experts who can help you explore all possibilities, including the many new ways there are to work today. His words – “Jobs are no longer the only way to work” – ring truer today than when he first said them a year or two ago.

Let’s talk. It falls upon military transitional organizations, such as those offered by REBOOT’s series of workshops, or by your Workforce Wingmen, to guide veterans to a state of workforce readiness for our very different world; a world where the need for new skills and talent are intimidating to those who have unrealistic expectations and a lack of preparation for the demands of the fast-changing and volatile marketplace.

Whether you are “moving on” to enter university or college life, you will have questions as which degrees matter most to you as well as to the newly emerging market.

Whether you are struggling with the many adjustments to working and living in a future, as unlike the past as the modern drone is to the vintage bombers of earlier times, you will have questions about the best strategic and targeted tactical steps that will work for you.

Whether you want to explore entrepreneurial options, flexible work opportunities, full-time jobs, global relocation or… you name it, our multi-generational experts are here to help you sort through new opportunities, many of which you may never have considered.

Our returning-retiring military individual services are led by our two veterans of the United States Army – Fabian and Angelica Lewis. We trust you will want to know more about how their extraordinary life experiences and expertise will matter to you as you move-on. We are here to help YOU soar.

original-logos_2016_May_5659-5728f0447612eTake a few moments and check-out their bios on our Website. While you’re there sign-up for our bi-weekly newsletter. You’ll be glad you did! #makeworkbetter

Or, look us up on LinkedIn:  Carleen MacKay :: Rob Kinslow



