HONOLULU – Chief Election Officer Scott Nago announced today that voters assigned to Pahoa Community Center (04-03) who live north of the lava flow are instructed to vote at Hawaiian Paradise Community Center (04-01) on general election day.
“The flow is expected to cross Highway 130, cutting off access to voters living in Ainaloa and Orchidlands Estates,” Nago said. “We’ll be providing poll workers at Hawaiian Paradise Community Center with the poll books and ballots to allow voters in these communities the opportunity to vote on November 4.” Nago estimates about 2,000 voters are affected by this move. Voters that still have access to the Pahoa Community Center may still vote there.
In preparation for the lava flow, county election officials mailed absentee mail applications to voters in the area and set-up an early vote location at Nanawale Community Center which is open through October 31, 2014. This latest move is meant to ensure access to voters who choose to vote on Election Day.
Election officials remind voters that today is the last day to request for an absentee ballot. Absentee applications must be received by the County Clerk’s office no later than 4:30 p.m. today. Applications are available at post offices, libraries, satellite city hall, county clerk offices or online atwww.hawaii.gov/elections.