Mayor Hannemann to Hawaii Kai Residents: My Way or the Highway

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BY NATALIE IWASA – “When we see fit.”  That’s when the street lighting project on Lunalilo Home Road will be finished, according to the mayor’s representative, Gordon Bruce, speaking in response to questions by Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board members at their June 29 meeting.

In September, Mayor Hannemann personally attended a town hall meeting and announced the city would reduce the lighting and install flat lenses up to Wailua Street.  Check it out he said, and then let us know what you would like us to do with the rest of the project.


In April, when questions were raised by the board about deadlines, Gerald Hamada of the Department of Design and Construction informed board members and community that “the funds (on Lunalilo Home Road) will not lapse.”  We haven’t been able to evaluate the project yet, because it has not been completed to Wailua, and all of a sudden at the June 29 meeting, we were told funds for Wailua to Koamano Street as well as Phase II to Hawaii Kai Drive, would lapse July 1.

Perhaps Hannemann should change his mantra to “It’s my way or the highway.”


