Mufi Hannemann Tries to Steal Linda Lingle’s Thunder – Again

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Mufi Hannemann cartoon, caricature, Mufi runs for congress, kinder, gentler
A kinder, gentler Mufi

BY MARCIA KLOMPUS – Former Honolulu Mayor turned Congressional candidate Mufi Hannemann is at it again, trying to steal former Gov. Linda Lingle’s ideas just after she announces her platform for her campaign for U.S. Senate in 2012.

But he can’t have it both ways.

Hannemann can’t claim he is his own man and then steal Lingle’s original idea about the need for a laser-like focus on tourism in the United States Congress just three days after she presented this campaign pledge in several public forums and in the news.

He can’t claim he would be a new face in Washington if elected to Congress and then state he has been roaming the halls of Congress since the 1980s.

If Hannemann wants people to believe he is his own man, he should come up with his own ideas.

Marcia Klompus is a resident of Honolulu, Hawaii

