The National Weather Service has placed Oahu under a Tropical Storm Warning. A Tropical Storm Warning is issued when the threat of tropical storm conditions of high wind and storm surge are expected within 36 hours. Actions for protection of life and property should begin immediately. Evacuations may be ordered depending on the severity of Tropical Storm Flossie.
All residents are advised to take the following preparedness actions:
* Fill up the fuel tank in your vehicle(s).
* Have some spare cash on hand. The amount you would normally spend in one week is a good choice.
* Be aware of the hazards that hurricanes and tropical storms create – destructive storm surge, severe flooding and high winds.
* Know the location of your nearest hurricane shelter but do not automatically go there. Locations and opening times will be broadcast over TV and radio. See this link for Hawaii Hurricane Evacuation Sheltershttps://www.scd.hawaii.gov/documents/2013HurEvachelters.pdf
* Know if you are located in a tsunami evacuation zone. Evacuation zones for hurricanes and tropical storms are the same as those for tsunami events. Evacuation zones are printed in the yellow tabbed section of your telephone white pages. Or see this link for an interactive evacuation zone map https://tsunami.csc.noaa.gov/
* Consider designating an off-island friend as a family emergency contact should you be separated following a hurricane or other disaster. When phone systems are restored family members would check in with this person.
* Plan to care for your family pets in the event you have to evacuate your home. Do not leave pets at home. If your home is not safe for you it is not safe for your pets.
* Find out if your insurance policy covers flood damage.
* Stock a seven-day supply of non-perishable foods and emergency supplies.
* Make sure you have a battery operated radio, flashlight and spare batteries on hand at all times.
This is exactly why I didn't get a cat while living in Hawaii.
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