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BY BRIAN DARLING – The Senate Appropriations Committee released a draft of its appropriations bill for the Interior Department earlier this month.
Section 420 contains a provision allowing the secretary of the Interior Department to recognize “Native Hawaiians” as a federally recognized Indian tribe.
This is a version of the “Akaka Bill,” and an effort to create a race-based government for individuals classified as native Hawaiians.
This is a radical measure that would force even more separation on the American people into different ethnic groups.
This is also a measure that many native Hawaiians oppose, because they feel that the people claiming to represent their interests are enriching themselves at the expense of the true interests of those of Hawaiian heritage as wells as traditional fishing rights.
Brian H. Darling writes the “Legislative Lowdown” column for Human Events and is senior fellow for Government Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Follow him at Twitter: brianhdarling
I would like to see more specifics. i.e. information on where to find the bill; names of those involved; specific issues; impact.
That is a lot for a short article but at least, give some highlights and where to get more information.
Thanks for keeping us informed. These folks just took lessons from Jesse Jackson and found that there is lots of money in keeping the racial issue alive.
It’s more than race, it’s yet another way for those with juice in Hawaii to suck even more federal dollars out here so we can continue to avoid actually dealing with our failures in agriculture and state-mandated rules that make it impossible to have a business in Hawaii that pays reasonable wages for semi-skilled or unskilled labor.
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