Obama’s Latest Obstruction of Jobs and Growth

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BY GROVER NORQUIST – Once again, the Obama administration is holding jobs and private investment hostage with regulatory uncertainty. You’ve already heard about the Keystone Pipeline. This time, they’re stalling almost every attempt to expand mobile broadband in America.

The Obama administration has failed to put more spectrum for mobile broadband onto the market, which will help prevent dropped calls and improve service. They’ve stalled phone companies from purchasing more spectrum and demanded more regulatory power to handpick the companies that get it. Now, they’re using the regulatory process to stop a start-up company from building a brand new wireless network.


LightSquared has committed $14 billion in private investment to bring more broadband to America, create tens of thousands of jobs, and unleash new competition in the market. They’ve played by the federal government’s rules and were granted spectrum under the Bush administration. But now government agencies are working to kill this new network, and the Obama administration is sitting on the sidelines instead of allowing this spectrum to be put to use.

This isn’t the first time the Obama administration has created a morass of job-killing regulatory uncertainty. But in a sputtering economy, government should not be standing in the way of new jobs, private investment, and new innovation.

Tell your lawmaker to stop the administration from hindering economic growth. It’s time to unleash more spectrum to expand broadband. Visit ATR’s Digital Liberty and take action now!

Tell your lawmaker to stop the administration from hindering economic growth. It’s time to unleash more spectrum to expand broadband. Visit ATR’s Digital Liberty and take action now!

Grover Norquist is President for Americans for Tax Reform





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