Ornery Birds Target Hawaii Legislature

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Not even the grand state seal can escape the wrath of the birds at the capitol - Photo by Mel Ah Ching

It is a constant source of angst. Ornery pigeons – who may look innocent enough – have been targeting the Hawaii state capitol and its surrounding grounds for months.

There are bird droppings in thick piles across the steps and on the windows of the state capitol building.


Last year, state paid $35,000 to install a netting near the top of the capitol to try to catch the bird droppings before they hit the people and sidewalk below, but it was only mildly successful.

In fact, the birds seemed to have stepped up to the challenge and can actually get around the expensive netting.

On June 12, Precision Cleaning Hawaii will launch a new project on the state’s behalf: cleaning the bird droppings from the upper windows and building ribs of the State Capitol.

The windows along the top of the building will be cleaned on the first go around, while the other windows will be cleaned before next January when the next legistlative session begins.

While the work is performed, no other building services should be affected, a state official said.


