Tips for Professional Speakers

A talk by Annabel Chotzen


Recently, I attended a professional speakers dinner & dialogue meeting in Honolulu. Fortunately for me, Annabel Chotzen was featured during the evening meal. She gave a wonderful talk on how to “Stand Up, Stand Out and Get Speaking Engagements.”

Jeff Owens, the President of Speakers Association of Hawaii introduced Annabel, as the audience listened, scattered comfortably around the octagonal tea-styled platform suspended over koi laden water at the Floating Pagoda restaurant. Annabel’s style was friendly and accessible while offering valuable tools for all speakers. It’s clear why she is a popular and successful speaker.

Whether you are a professional or aspiring speaker, there are several things you can do to be more effective. Her talk focused on the following 7 how-to skills:

  • How to distinguish ourselves from other speakers, and become well known in our area of expertise,
  • Defining and communicating your unique gifts and talents,
  • Promoting the qualities and attributes that make you different,
  • Sharing your own motivational stories,
  • Infusing your presentations with take away messages,
  • Creating presentations that are valuable for large audiences,
  • Developing topics that are content rich, timely and relevant.

Want to learn more about her tools?  Read more here

Annabel is the vice president of the Speakers Association of Hawaii, a business consultant, trainer and professional speaker for 20 years. She provides training and motivational speeches at conferences, conventions and businesses, and she works with organizations to help them to overcome obstacles during challenging drives, provide outstanding customer service and boost employee productivity and effectiveness. She has been a professor of business communications, public speaking and professional development at Hawaii Pacific University, University of Hawaii, and Chaminade University.

Two of her videos can be found here:
On Communication Strategies
and, Put Your Dreams to Work

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