Recap of Joint Case/Hirono Appearances

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BY CONGRESSMAN ED CASE, D- HAWAII – The Maui News editorial, “A Clear Choice for Senator”, sums up our three joint appearances with my opponent this week:

“Case is trying to run a campaign based on reality and Hirono is, well, either living in a fantasy world or pandering to the electorate.”


If you didn’t watch or listen in, here they are:

PBS Hawaii Thursday, June 14th
Hawaii Public Radio Wednesday, June 13th
AARP/Maui Tuesday, June 12th

Besides failing to lay out her own record and agenda, my opponent made a number of false and misleading claims on mine. Clearly our growing statewide grassroots campaign and the most recent poll showing us tied in the August 11th primary and me doing much better than her in the November general have them very worried. We can expect attack ads and other full-on negative campaigning very soon.

Most unfortunately, these are the last scheduled joint appearances she agreed to, after rejecting many others including four statewide televised real debates on the regular stations. This with still 56 days to the election, so that she can avoid any debates and hide behind her PAC/special interest-paid ads just when most voters start focusing on the election. That was deliberate, and I hope she changes her mind.


