Roosevelt High Symphony Duo Chosen for Prestigious Carnegie Hall Program

Gregg Abe, Jamie Labrador and Sarah Wilson.
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Gregg Abe, Jamie Labrador and Sarah Wilson.

HONOLULU – A pair of violinists with the Roosevelt High Roughrider Symphony Orchestra will represent the 50th State in early February at Carnegie Hall’s prestigious Honors Performance Series.

Seniors Jamie Labrador and Sarah Wilson were the only two students from Hawaii chosen, along with more than 500 high school students across the country.  

The prestigious program offers elite musicians the opportunity to rehearse under master conductors and perform before an invited audience of representatives from collegiate and professional music programs. The 2014 program being held February 5-10 in New York City will feature the likes of renowned conductors Dr. Eph Ehly, Jeffrey Grogan and Sharon Lavery.  


Jamie currently serves as concertmaster in the Roosevelt High Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Gregg Abe. She has been with the Roosevelt orchestra throughout high school and previously participated in the Kawananakoa Middle orchestra for three years under the direction of Daniel Mew. When she is not performing with the St. Paul and Peter and St. Stephen Music Ministries, Jamie can be found teaching privately during the weekends. Jamie is the daughter of Mel and Jeraldine Labrador.  

Sarah has played the violin for the past 10 years, and like Jamie, was a member of the Kawananakoa Middle string program. She has been a member of the Hawaii Youth Symphony Orchestra under renowned conductor Henry Miyamura since the sixth grade.  She is a member of the Roosevelt High swim team, and also tutors beginning violin students. Sarah is the daughter of Daniel and Kanako Wilson.  

“This is an extraordinary honor for both Jamie and Sarah, and I have every confidence they will make their school and families proud,” said Abe, who is in his 28th year with the Roosevelt High Symphony Orchestra.  


