Seeking Nominations for Best, Worst Legislators

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I would like to ask your assistance in helping the Hawaii Pro-Democracy Initiative with input on legislative awards that we plan to present for the 2003 Session.

The HPDI awards program is intended to organize citizen evaluations of the session — how well legislators conducted themselves as lawmakers in a democracy, and what positive and negative good government proposals they considered and/or passed.


We ask you to submit award suggestions by replying to this email message. Suggestions submitted by the most people will be considered and finalized by HPDI Directors. Award ideas may come from the media, gavel-to-gavel coverage on cable TV, discussions with friends, first-hand experiences, or check out the awards we gave last month at (Bouquets & Buckets Mid-Session Awards).

The awards will be presented in two categories, with positive & negative award sub-categories: legislative process (pro-democracy and anti-democracy awards) and good government reforms (pro-reform and anti-reform awards).

In the legislative process category, we will give awards for pro-democracy and anti-democracy actions and behavior that occurred during the session. The good government reform category includes good and bad legislative proposals for ethics, open government, public access, elections and campaign reform.

Also, please forward this message to others who might want to vote for the awards. Thank you.

”’Robin Loomis is the president of the Hawaii Pro-Democracy Initiative.”’


