BY DEB WELLS – With our debt reaching nearly $16 trillion, and with the Fed having the power to put us on the hook for trillions more in bailouts and loan guarantees, it’s way past time to demand a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.
As you know, Audit the Fed passed the U.S. House in July, far exceeding a two-thirds majority.
Now it’s time to turn our focus to Harry Reid’s Senate, and we’ll need all hands on deck for the coming battle.
If the bill receives similar support in the Senate, we would have a veto-proof majority.
Over one fourth of the Senate has cosponsored Audit the Fed (S. 202), and Hawaii U.S. Senators Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka are not on that list.
The Senate is currently in recess – and that gives us some time to make contact with our senators to urge their support when they return to DC.
Please contact Senators Daniel Inouye at 202-224-3934 and Daniel Akaka at 202-224-6361 today.
Demand they cosponsor S. 202 as soon as the August recess is over and support a standalone, roll call vote on Audit the Fed (S. 202/H.R. 459).
Make it clear that any attempt to water down Audit the Fed – or a vote for such an attempt – will be seen as a direct attack on transparency and will be reported to your fellow constituents as such.
The pundits and naysayers would have you believe that Audit the Fed will never go anywhere in the Senate – but that’s what they said about the House, as well.
They were wrong then. And we can make sure they’re wrong again.
After all, with almost 80% public support, it won’t be easy for an elected official to justify why they would oppose transparency at one of our nation’s most secretive institutions.
They certainly do not oppose transparency when it comes to your personal finances – and that makes their opposition to Fed transparency very hard to explain.
The truth is, while you and I can be required to account for every penny that goes through our personal bank accounts, the Federal Reserve has never been held to that same standard. Americans are simply expected to trust that with trillions of dollars at stake, the Fed is being responsible and using great wisdom in its dealings.
The Senate would like nothing more than to avoid this issue altogether.
Don’t let them get away with it!
Contact Senators Daniel Inouye at 202-224-3934 and Daniel Akaka at 202-224-6361 today. Demand they cosponsor S. 202 as soon as the August recess is over and support a standalone, roll call vote on Audit the Fed (S. 202/H.R. 459).
We are close to crossing the finish line victoriously, but our success depends on your willingness to take action now.
Please call today.
Deb Wells is the Hawaii State Coordinator for the Campaign for Liberty